More Than $14 Million in Defense Trust Fund – and The Vanguard Doesn’t Leave Home Without Pam Cafritz’s American Express Card

In General

Based on the testimony of Richard Guerci, a former IRS agent who now works as a private investigator for an agency that investigates financial crimes for the agency, we now know that Clare Bronfman put a total of $14.3 million into the Defense Trust Fund that has been used to pay for the attorneys representing her five co-defendants in the case of the U.S. v. Raniere Et Al.

MK10ART’s wonderful painting of Clare Bronfman.

Bronfman has already pleaded guilty in the case to concealing and harboring an illegal alien for financial gain – and to the fraudulent use of identification. She is currently awaiting sentencing.

Earlier estimates were that Clare’s contribution was in the $5 million – $10 million range.

It is still unclear exactly when Clare put the funds in – but we now know that they came in via six or seven separate payments.


Jack Levy To The Rescue
It was also revealed that Clare was not the only person to put money into the Defense Trust Fund.

Which, given how many Nxians adored and revered Keith Raniere, was not exactly surprising.

What was surprising, however, is that there was only one other contributor: Jack Levy.

Jack Levy and his wife, Bibianna, whom he shared with the Vanguard.

And Levy, who is currently the public face of NXIVM in Mexico, contributed a paltry $1,030 – which is less than what Raniere’s legal team charges for each 15-minute break during the trial.

Levy lives in Guadalajara, MX – and is the owner of VEQ Real Estate, a company that provides property management services. Questions have been raised about who owns the properties that Levy manages – and why they are guarded by armed personnel.

According to Quien magazine, Levy now has signatory authority for ESP Mexico, the company that operates the remaining NXIVM Centers in Mexico. That apparently happened after Emiliano Salinas removed his name as the company’s signatory.


Raniere Helps the Late Pam Cafritz Rack Up Points On Her American Express Card
Guerci also testified about some of the charges that Raniere racked up on an American Express card that belonged to Pamela Cafritz, who died on November 7, 2016 (NXIVM withheld any announcement about her death until November 28, 2016 – and the whereabouts of her body is still unknown).

The late Pam Cafritz.

During the 18-months following Cafritz’s death, the card was used to pay for at least $328,305.84 in expenses (For those of you who can’t do the math in your head, that’s almost $18,000 per month).

Included in those charges was $783.61 worth of a supplement called Prosvent – which is sometimes used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Several of the former DOS members who have testified during Raniere’s trial have indicated that he has severe problems in getting – and maintaining – an erection.

Or as Cami, one of his victims, succinctly put it: “It’s been a long time since you were fully erect.”


Raniere Signed Checks On Pam’s Bank Account
The American Express charges were apparently paid via checks that were drawn on Pam’s checking account.

Although some of those checks appear to have been “signed” via a signature stamp, others were apparently signed by Raniere himself.


Raniere Claimed He Had No Assets When Ordered To Pay Legal Fees
Despite having access to the millions of dollars that were apparently in one of Pam’s bank accounts at the time of her death, Raniere claimed that he did not have any assets to pay the more than $440,000 of legal fees he was ordered to pay as a result of his specious lawsuit against AT&T and Microsoft.

The US Patent Office canceled the patents Keith Raniere claimed were his in a federal lawsuit against AT&T and Microsoft.

Raniere’s lawsuit against AT&T and Microsoft was based on his claim that they had infringed on one of his patents – a patent that, as was proven during the early stages of that case, he actually did not own.

The presiding judge in the case, U.S. District Court Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn, dismissed the case with prejudice – and ordered Raniere to pay the legal fees of AT&T and Microsoft – because, as she stated, “(Raniere) “acted in bad faith and vexatiously multiplied these proceedings”.


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48 commentsOn More Than $14 Million in Defense Trust Fund – and The Vanguard Doesn’t Leave Home Without Pam Cafritz’s American Express Card

  • Boom! Slap my ass, shave Scott Johnson and teach him to walk backwards.

    $14 MILLION…Wow!!!

    What a deal. And everyone pleads out, except for Albany Jesus, the Smelly One, the Mitey Limp VanCrook Keith Raniere.


    And Prosvent for Mr. Limpy! Cmon, aren’t you the smartest man on the planet? Spring for a penis pump, Viagra (rhymes with Niagara, for strength and power) or Cialis

  • What’s not making any sense is that Keith was the executor of Pam’s will until just before he was arrested. So who did Pam leave money to? It seems she didn’t leave much to Keith if he resorted to fraudulent means to use her money. Also why did he remove himself as executor of the will in 2018? This all drives me crazy because too many details are missing! Someone please tell me if you have the answers!

    • It is these kind of financial things that tend to be easier to prosecute over than adult women “consensually” agreeing to have sex with KR. The will should be a public document I presume so could be checked as to who were the heirs. If executors took money other than for debts due the new executors may have to bring proceedings to get that money back.

    • I don’t know about New York but executors are generally entitled to 5 percent of the estate value as a fee for execution of the will. I read the estate in question was valued at 5 million, which would give the executor a considerable taxable income.

      • 5 percent might be a probate law standard for those who die intestate; typically their estates are small, so a couple of thousand dollars would barely cover the work required. I do know that when there is a will, that typically sets the executor fee; often the executor is a family member who is also an heir, and I’ve seen wills that don’t even specify a separate executor fee in such cases where they’re receiving a significant share of the estate.

        I’m very curious to know all the details of Cafritz’ estate, and particularly how much she left to Raniere. If much of her money was in trusts, unless the pair were secretly married and he’s a surviving spouse, he may not get any benefit from all but a lesser amount that she held free and clear in her own name.

  • Is there any crimes these people (Raniere and his accomplices) haven’t done?

    I’m struggling to think of anything…

  • Clare Bronfman is an evil psychopath every bit as bad as Raniere, but she’ll hardly get a slap on the wrist, because she’s got enough money to bribe her way out of a prison sentence. Justice is like cheese. The more money you’ve got, the more you can buy.

  • Doesn’t Clare B ever run out of money ?

  • Why did Clare Bronfman get such a sweet deal? Is she going to testify soon? So many questions with this person that need to be answered.

    • Because she’s from a powerful Zionist family. That’s all.

      If she was black, her ass would be in prison right now.

      This world is a fucking joke. It’s full of liars, cheaters, dicks, assholes, and destroyers of lives.

      • It just comes down to having the money to pay for the sort of expensive legal representation that can put even the government at a disadvantage – not religion, ethnicity or other affiliation.

        The OJ Simpson case is a perfect example that it’s not the color of someone’s skin, it’s the color – and quantity – of their money that matters.

  • –contributed a paltry $1,030

    For some reason this made me laugh out loud.

  • If Clare were smart, she’d be overbuying Doritos Nachos and Fritos for the jailbird to help fatten him up for the kill. He should arrive in prison with some nice pudgy manboobs. Must be jelly ’cause jam don’t shake like that.

  • Girl Scout Cookies

    “Included in those charges was $783.61 worth of a supplement called Prosvent – which is sometimes used to treat erectile dysfunction.”

    It’s ironic for Keith to seek medication for his boner issues if that’s the reason.

  • The charges to Pam’s credit card might have been authorized by Pammy herself, either before or after her death from cancer.

    Regardless of what naysayers may believe, ‘seances’ can be used since I’ve seen them with my own eyes.

    Also… If Pammy wrote a note to Keith (before she kicked the bucket) giving him permission to charge her card after she went to Satan, then it’s LEGALLY justified for Keith to make those charges in the eyes of the law.

    Even though it’s technically a breach of banking rules to use a card without the cardholder present, if Pammy gave him written permission then Federal law will not have been broken.

    Why not?

    Cuz ‘consent’ would have been given.

    Keith is therefore innocent of that charge, in the eyes of Federal law.

    Keith is gonna walk free within 2 weeks and Yolanda Cortez (aka Pea Onyu) will be reunited with her loving Vanguard in plenty of time to celebrate V-week 2019.

    I can feel it in my bones. Keith is getting ready to walk.

    Everybody else on this site should be SHITTING THEIR UNDIES and worrying about this.

    Frank, Claviger and Heidi should be afraid. Be afraid, everybody. Keith is walking.

    I refuse to sugarcoat this fact.

    • Krclaviger,

      The paltry $1,030 must have a deeper meaning behind it. Why $1,030?

      Krclaviger, you and everyone else are making fun of the monetary figure.

      I promise you there is something to it.

      Something symbolic probably innocuous.

      It’s too arbitrary a number.

      Maybe it’s an insult with a reference to something petty shared between the two of them.


      October 30 ?

      I guarantee it’s something. He could have contributed any amount of money large or small.

      • Krclaviger,

        The paltry $1,030 must have a deeper meaning behind it. Why $1,030?

        It’s too arbitrary a number…….

        He could have contributed any amount of money large or small.

        The amount is a reference to John 10:30!!!!!


        All you Bible people missed the clue. Just kidding.

        Is message to Keith Vanguard Raniere is the following in short form:

        “In the end, John 10:30 is to be treasured because it helps us understand that the real picture of Jesus is found in the totality of scriptures rather than in just the four gospels. Recognition of this fact is vital to fighting heresy, both in the church and in the political arena.”

        I knew that 1030 was a reference to something and had some significance it’s not some arbitrary number it’s an innocuous meaning but it’s one share between Raniere he and his donator.

        • Maybe my comment is article worthy with slight edit.

          I don’t need the credit if anyone wants to turn it into a mystery solved article. 🙂

          even though it’s a very very very small I finally have something to contribute . LOL

          Have a have a great evening!!!

          • 10:30 is also a reference to God’s compassion as a parent and his sympathetic understanding of human weakness and his restoration of those in trouble.

            I am thinking it’s a cold slight(insult) to Raniere. It’s definitely not nice at a paltry $1,000.

          • Stop while you are ahead Jeff Peterson. Go take your lithium.

    • I have only passing familiarity with these things, but I think that once an individual is deceased, probate law rules – including what is written in their will, or in the terms of trust funds that provide them with income, regardless of other directives they might have made while alive – and the specific responsibilities that come with being an executor.

      I assume you’re being sarcastic and know that seances are bunk, though the people who conduct them are often convincing grifters who know how to use tricks such as cold reading.

  • $18,000/month is a lot of pizza. There are no specific financial crimes alleged, I wonder if credit card spending this is part of the RICO charge, or perhaps a new charge related to Raniere lying about how much money he has access to, which would be perjury. He technically may have given the money to someone else, but it’s obvious he was trying to hide/protect it by giving it to someone else. I wouldn’t be surprised if a clawback action were taken to recover the money so the judge can use it to place a heavy fine on Raniere.

  • Just wanted to say that Pammy Cafritz was fucken UGLY ever since she turned 50.

    It’s not just the ‘cancer’ that made her ugly.

    Ever since she turned 50 she’s been wrinkly, ugly and old looking. After her 50th birthday, she certainly wasn’t sexy enough to give any man WOOD.

    I can’t blame Keith for boning Marianna while Pam sat in the car cuz Pammy wasn’t sexy enough to give him a proper boner anymore. Not even with extra strength Viagra.

    Pam stopped taking care of herself. That’s why her skin got all wrinkly and shit.

    Women need to take better care of themselves in their older years so as to keep the ability to give men WOOD.

    Giving men WOOD is an important part of being a woman. Without that ability, a woman’s life is virtually meaningless.

    Eh, Flowers? 🙂

    • Frank- not sure why you continue to post Bangkookery’s comments. I suppose Bangkook didn’t like my previous comment, or maybe he’s just extremely interested in my life for some strange reason. You should worry about your own pathetic existence, Bangie. BTW, have you ever explained your obsession with this forum and your reason for posting here?.

    • Frank,

      Admittedly I am not the biggest Flowers fan, however I do not think it’s right to let Bangkok harass women on this website with sexual barbs.

      Considering NXIVM and what it really stands for I find it darkly ironic. Let Bangkok harass men like my self.

  • “Clare Bronfman put a total of $14.3 million into the Defense Trust Fund that has been used to pay for the attorneys representing her five co-defendants in the case of the U.S. v. Raniere Et Al.”

    I hope that Clare’s Five Co-Defendants send her either a Christmas card or a Happy Hanukkah card this year.
    How about it Keith, Allison, Nancy, Lauren and Kathy?

  • Krclaviger,

    This is my article worthy edit. If Frank thinks it worthy.

    The paltry $1,030 must have a deeper meaning behind it. Why $1,030?
    It’s too arbitrary a number…….

    He could have contributed any amount of money large or small.
    The amount is a reference to John 10:30!!!!!

    All you Bible people missed the clue. Just kidding.

    Is message to Keith Vanguard Raniere is the following in short form:

    “In the end, John 10:30 is to be treasured because it helps us understand that the real picture of Jesus is found in the totality of scriptures rather than in just the four gospels. Recognition of this fact is vital to fighting heresy, both in the church and in the political arena.”

    I knew that 1030 was a reference to something and had some significance it’s not some arbitrary number it’s an innocuous meaning but it’s one share led between Raniere and his benevolent benefactor.

10:30 is also a reference to God’s compassion as a parent and his sympathetic understanding of human weakness and his restoration of those in trouble. 

    I am thinking it’s safe to assume it’s a cold slight(insult) to Raniere.

    It’s definitely not nice at a paltry $1,000. 😉

    • $1,030 US would be right around 20,000 Mexican Pesos at current exchange rates, which haven’t varied much over the last year.

      Americans tend to forget to take into consideration the fact that we’re not the only country on the planet. A lot of conspiracy theories are also based on that error of thinking and are exposed as completely implausible considering that secret energy sources or whatever either haven’t been figured out by or are also being kept by, every other country around the world including highly capable economic competitors and even our enemies.

    • Do not especulate so miserable!

      He contributed in Mexican pesos. Therefore, accordingly to the exchange rate of the date of the contribution, it comes to US$1030.00

  • Clare is neither evil nor a psychopath – poor girl is actually worse: empty. And she’s been trying to fill that giant void with some sense of purpose, love and righteousness her whole life. I mean – what do you do with yourself when you have all the money in the world and no invested parents to ground you in your intrinsic value and self worth? I’m making giant assumptions here so I don’t mean to offend her family and I understand that I’m armchair analyzing.

    From what I’ve read, she wasn’t super social or accepted in clubs or cliques like India, Nicki or Michelle. She was one of the most devoted but from all that I’ve read – she never was able to shake the sugar mama rep. They would take her money – and even let her pay for their attorneys but was she ever really in solid with Nex’s “cool kids” – I dunno.

    Poor little rich girl?

    • A poor little rich girl who used every means available to utterly destroy anyone who Raniere considered an enemy. That means, destroy their reputation, their livelihood, their freedom. I consider those acts to be evil.

      • Ask Barbara, Toni, and Frank what being sued by Bronfman financed attorneys was like?

        I’ve been sued and won.

        It’s still stressful and money draining even if you win and knew all along the case had no merits.

        It’s actually more infuriating then reading a Bangkok comment. 🙁

  • The money Levy put in was likely supplied in non US currency and the amount reported is after the exchange rate was calculated. No mysterious conspiracy or religious implications involved.

    • Bob it could have been any amount of money in large or small. The money would have been wired in in dollars.

      It’s not an arbitrary amount. No conspiracy. Just a slight insult to Raniere.

      Bob you ever hear of ADR’s? Ever do any investing?

      Like Barb I have my have had a Series 7 and other financial certifications. I worked in IT in a financial company.

      The money wired in was US currency not peso. That’s not how it works.

      The $ 1030 amount was not chosen out of thin air. It’s a just an innocuous message of “fuck off”, to Raniere.

    • Bob, read my rebuttal at the top.

  • Vanguard invented money, and all the money in the world belongs to him by divine right.

  • 1030,

    Lastly if the money had been deposited in Pesos the amount would not have been $1,030 rounded there would have been a few extra dollars with change as well.

    We will never know.

  • A bunch of you lunatics believe in the deep state, back channels, and the Clinton’s have people assassinated….

    …….But my 1030 is a stretch?

    Okay Bob…. 😉

    • Look asshole, I’ve been suffering thru your repeated references to ‘1030’ and I still don’t have a fucken clue what you’re talking about.

      1030 means precisely JACK SHIT, okay?

      Now kindly STOP torturing us with your 1030 bullshit cuz I’m about to go fucking insane with your bullshit.

      As for your background in the IT department of a financial company, I’m guessing it was nepotism that got you that job cuz you have very little common sense.

      I’m also guessing that you’re no stranger to pushing a mop and emptying trash bins. If it wasn’t for your Uncle Bob, your career in the custodial arts would be flourishing.

      • Bangkok,
        I believe there is a good chance that the wire transfer amount references the Bible’s John 10:30.

        I added a link below. And there are all ready cliff notes in the comment section below.

        Now please excuse I have to finish vacuuming the 6th floor and then wax and buff the office lobby.

        Have a nice night and enjoy your summer vacation you little shit head.

        • Niceguy
          I’m not saying that your guess about this must be wrong, but I don’t understand why you think he would he reference a bible quote? What would be the point of sending a cryptic message to Keith in this way? I don’t think Keith even read the bible (except maybe the Satanic bible…) so how would he decode this hidden message?

    • so niceguy how did all those people suicide with 3 bullets to the head {and we’re lunatics ….screw off with your smug}

      yeah everyone commits suicide with a red scarf and a DOOR KNOB {its a ratfuckers death for SQUEALING}

      you DONT believe in DEEP STATE even DEEP STATE is calling itself DEEP STATE these days ….tick tock i cant wait for DECLASS

      • In the United States in 2016 there were 44,965 suicides recorded.

        Watch a video on Instagram of someone dying people twitch when they die sometimes hence the multiple shots. It happens.

        If he had used a revolver I would agree with you.

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