Carlos Salinas’ Daughter Targeted for DOS & During ‘Backfiring’ Cross Exam Lauren Bursts Into Tears Over Mexican She Helped Imprison


By Dianne Lipson

Talk about backfire.

Lauren Salzman, under tough cross-examination by Keith Raniere’s high-priced defense attorney, Marc Agnifilo, burst into an uncontrollable sobbing fit as she spoke about hers and Raniere’s torture of Daniela, the Mexican woman confined to a room for nearly two years.

Daniela’s crime – which has not been revealed to the jury in evidence yet – is that she had the audacity to not to want to be a member of Keith’s harem, and sharing him with 20 other women, including her two sisters.  Instead, she wanted to have a boyfriend of her own.

This is expected to come out as evidence when Daniela herself testifies. But today, under cross-examination by Agnifilo, Lauren had what one could describe as a complete meltdown.

More on that later.

Lauren was wearing a black cardigan and a white blouse. And the morning began with the final hour or so of her direct examination.

She is the witness being used by the prosecution to explain an audio recording of a video of the DOS leaders including Keith Raniere.

This audio included discussion about branding – and confirmed that the first line slaves were branded – but not by Dr. Danielle Roberts. Evidently, they brought in somebody who was a tattoo and scarification expert, a person who did this for a living. He was to teach them how to do it so that DOS leaders could do the branding themselves.  Keith wanted a videotape of this expert branding teacher so they could do the branding themselves – by watching the video.

There was also discussion about something called “The Game”, a sort of Truth or Dare game to be used to sort out who might be suitable for DOS. The Game was employed by a person asking another person a series of questions [as a game] in order to asses how open someone is to responding about things that might be quite personal.

Keith is heard asking about this questionnaire for The Game, which is in effect, a screening process for DOS.

Questions like: What would you do for $1,000? What would you do for $10,000? Would you go out naked in broad daylight? How much would it take for you to do that? Challenges like that.  How much for running outside naked and then running back in? In broad daylight. Maybe two people should do it.  Maybe do it holding hands.

Then there was more on Camilia and her entry into the inner circle. It was decided that Daniela Padilla [not the Daniella confined to a room, but the Daniella who bought the sex toys] should talk to Camilia and tell her what the issues were about her joining DOS.  So Keith got what he wanted with Camilia.

Keith is heard saying that DOS members could change the presidential election in four years.

There was a discussion about trying to enroll a woman named Ceci.  Keith says she’s a good one to enroll because she’s powerful. Lauren testified that the reason she said that was because Ceci’s father used to be president of a country.

[I believe we are talking about Cecilia Salinas, the daughter of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas.]

There was a discussion about Rosa Laura Junco going to Mexico to secure a lot of money in collateral from the potential enrollee.  Rosa Laura is the daughter of the world-famous journalist and media magnate Alejandro Junco [who has steadfastly opposed his daughter’s participation in DOS and tried to rescue her.]

Keith goes on to say that during the actual branding, it should be done in an orderly fashion, and have certain rituals.

After each of some seven lines in the brand, something should be said after each [painful] stroke and that the woman should be held down on the table in a manner like they were a human sacrifice.

Lauren testified that that’s the way all her slaves were branded.  Although the first line slaves [who weren’t branded by Dr. Danielle Roberts] were not nude.

The subsequent slaves were all branded nude.

Keith wanted that, at all branding ceremonies, the slaves should be recorded asking to be branded.

The person should say “Please brand me, it would be an honor. It’s how I want it. It’s  an honor I want to wear for the rest of my life.”

There was further discussion about what these women should say as they’re actually being branded.

Things like “Pain is how we know how much we love”.

“We know the depth of our lives through pain.”

“Although my body may be bruised or burned or tortured, my love is stronger”.

“Like the love of the purest beings who walked the earth.”

“Love above life itself.”

Lauren said some of these words became part of the branding ceremony.


Then we get to the cross-examination.

Agnifilo started out by going over some of what Lauren had testified to without incident and probably scored a point or two to discredit her as a witness.

But he may have lost the entire round in one badly-timed question.

He was trying to prompt her to admit that she thought Keith helped people to aspire to excellence.

And that Raniere gave her an understanding about self-reliance.

And he kept asking whether she knew about all the other women – and whether Keith was, in fact, her mentor and advisor.

And whether she had a sexual relationship at one time with Pam.

What seemed to come out of this is Lauren thought that Keith’s lovers were a selective and special group.

Lauren agreed to be monogamous but did not expect Keith to do the same.

Agnfilo asked “Why did you choose this?

Lauren said “I admired him. I admired Keith. Keith was going to make my life better. He was a humanitarian. We could learn to be compassionate, to learn to care for each other.”

Agnifilo asked if he was ever sexually aggressive with her – and she said that except for one time with Dawn Morrison – when Keith tried to forcibly pull down Lauren’s pants, he was not.

[Lauren did admit that when she said “No” firmly, Keith stopped trying to take her pants off.]

Agnifilo was trying to elicit that Keith was not aggressive but it didn’t come out. It didn’t come off too well.

Lauren fought back at times and was able to say that Keith often openly touched woman’s breasts in front of other women and that was so – as Keith explained – these women could “work on their issues.”

Lauren also did not help the defense much when she said that when Barbara Jeske was dying, Keith left her truly alone. He hadn’t visited her much. Lauren was able to say, “I was afraid in the end I would die alone and he wouldn’t visit me either.”

But Agnifilo said, “But you didn’t leave?” And Lauren said no.

Lauren also admitted that she knew Keith had a sexual relationship with her mother. But she didn’t say when she found out about it.

It also came out that Rosa Laura was the only woman in the inner circle that didn’t sleep with Keith.

Agnifilo asked if Lauren’s position in Nxivm was linked to her having sex with Keith. She said that women who didn’t have sex with Keith were treated differently and she talked about how Mariana jumped in stripe levels even though she didn’t seem to know very much.

Then came the meltdown.

Agnifilo was trying to paint Daniela as a less than perfect person. She was accused by Kristin of stealing money, thousands of dollars – and that she did damaging things to her family.

And that Daniela willingly went in the room and was determined to stay in the room, and suggested consequences for herself for things that she herself did. The consequences had been staying in the room even longer.

Lauren herself at the time accused Daniela of acting in a bad way.

Basically, Agnfilo was saying, “You know, this is how you felt at the time and that’s what you did.”

He wanted to know if Lauren ever told Keith to let Daniela out of the room. Lauren admitted she hadn’t because she couldn’t. She said she avoided the whole issue. She couldn’t handle any aspect of thinking that this punishment might not be right.

Agnifilo then brought out the fact that the entire family supported her punishment of being in the room.

There’s an email chain where the father accuses Daniela of stealing money from him and hacking into his Facebook account.

And then when they took her back to Mexico, the father did not completely abandon her. His accountant came to escort her which showed that he cared about her.

And Agnifilo pressed on and on – about Daniela playing games and stuff.

And then finally at one point, the lawyer miscalculated.

And in response to one of his questions to show how bad Daniela really was, Lauren completely broke down sobbing, saying “I did a lot of shitty things in my 20s, but I got my life together.”

Lauren was crying so badly that some of what she said unintelligible but what came out was that Lauren – didn’t think Danny’s punishment rose to the level of being locked in a room for two years and only getting $128 in Mexico.

Daniela was a young person; young people make mistakes. This is way too much of a consequence for her.

And Lauren was sobbing because of what she did to Daniela. And saying that it wasn’t right. That Daniela did nothing to deserve this and even the crazy things Lauren did when she was in her 20s did not deserve that kind of punishment.

“This is what I understand now,” Lauren said amid tears and crying that she fought to control but did not.

No, it didn’t go over too well for Agnifilo.

He had to wait for her to compose herself

Then Lauren said that of all the game playing they were accusing Daniela of doing, Daniela did apologize for everything she supposedly did.  But she always got shut down.

Lauren was able to like hold her own and Agnifilo blundered badly when she broke down in tears.


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53 commentsOn Carlos Salinas’ Daughter Targeted for DOS & During ‘Backfiring’ Cross Exam Lauren Bursts Into Tears Over Mexican She Helped Imprison

  • Interesting quote, “…Lauren completely broke down sobbing, saying “I did a lot of shitty things in my 20s, but I got my life together.”” Salzman is now in her 40s and still hasn’t gotten her life together.

  • Interesting quote, “…Lauren completely broke down sobbing, saying “I did a lot of shitty things in my 20s, but I got my life together.”” Salzman is now in her 40s and still hasn’t gotten her life together.

    • Scott, right up until Lauren was arrested she was still doing “shitty” things.
      But turn on the waterworks and Lauren can bamboozle a senile Judge who believes all women are made of sugar and spice.

    • Right Scott : she is very very far fron it. Will she ever get her life together- I suspect it will take years to deprogram her.

  • Times Union reporter tweets: Judge ordered Raniere’s attorney to sit down and shut up to end cross-examination of Lauren ! Dares him to appeal !

    TRobert Gavin
    The judge told Agnifilo a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.”
    #NXIVM #NXIVMTrial

    Robert Gavin
    When jury left, Agnifilo asked the judge why he cut off his line of questioning to Salzman.

    “You went way over the line,” the judge replied. “This is not DOS. This is not the allegation. This is a broken person.”
    #NXIVM #NXIVMTrial
    Quote Tweet

    Robert Gavin
    · 1h
    Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court. (link:…

    Robert Gavin
    Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court.
    Quote Tweet

    Robert Gavin
    · 1h
    Lauren Salzman is done testifying but not before Senior U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis cut off Raniere attorney Marc Agnifilo’s cross-examination because in the judge’s view it became “crisis” and he feared for Salzman’s health, calling her a “broken person.”

  • Times Union reporter tweets: Judge ordered Raniere’s attorney to sit down and shut up to end cross-examination of Lauren ! Dares him to appeal !

    TRobert Gavin
    The judge told Agnifilo a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.”
    #NXIVM #NXIVMTrial

    Robert Gavin
    When jury left, Agnifilo asked the judge why he cut off his line of questioning to Salzman.

    “You went way over the line,” the judge replied. “This is not DOS. This is not the allegation. This is a broken person.”
    #NXIVM #NXIVMTrial
    Quote Tweet

    Robert Gavin
    · 1h
    Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court. (link:…

    Robert Gavin
    Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court.
    Quote Tweet

    Robert Gavin
    · 1h
    Lauren Salzman is done testifying but not before Senior U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis cut off Raniere attorney Marc Agnifilo’s cross-examination because in the judge’s view it became “crisis” and he feared for Salzman’s health, calling her a “broken person.”

    • Feminism is great

      What a load of bullshit. This fuckin judge was out of line. The women’s tears trick fucks up this POS. And I think Agnifilo is a POS but the judge was totally out of line. Next time any of the men that post here are involved in a criminal enterprise try the crying gig and see where this goes.

  • Apparently it ended rather dramatically with the judge telling Agnifilo “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    And thanks as always for the reporting – and the posting of it.

  • Apparently it ended rather dramatically with the judge telling Agnifilo “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    And thanks as always for the reporting – and the posting of it.

  • “Lauren completely broke down sobbing, saying “I did a lot of shitty things in my 20s, but I got my life together.”

    I would say that Lauren did a lot of shitty things up until she was arrested last summer including encouraging people not to cooperate in an investigation of DOS.

    How about this text message from Lauren Salzman to the other members of DOS?

    “Secrecy is an important thing in this process.
    It protects us in case shit goes down.
    The fact that no one knows who is involved allows this group to stay intact.
    It could also keep people safe depending on various things.”

    In the real world this text message is Lauren Salzman’s attempt to obstruct justice.

    Lauren Salzman’s attempt at obstruction of justice occurred in June 2017.

    And Lauren Salzman’s branding of women occurred when Lauren was about 40 years old.
    Hey, Lauren, was branding women with a hot iron a “shitty” thing to do?

    Hey, Lauren, have you cried for all of the women you tortured?

  • “Lauren completely broke down sobbing, saying “I did a lot of shitty things in my 20s, but I got my life together.”

    I would say that Lauren did a lot of shitty things up until she was arrested last summer including encouraging people not to cooperate in an investigation of DOS.

    How about this text message from Lauren Salzman to the other members of DOS-

    “Secrecy is an important thing in this process.
    It protects us in case shit goes down.
    The fact that no one knows who is involved allows this group to stay intact.
    It could also keep people safe depending on various things.”

    In the real world this text message is Lauren Salzman’s attempt to obstruct justice.

    Lauren Salzman’s attempt at obstruction of justice occurred in June 2017.

    And Lauren Salzman’s branding of women occurred when Lauren was about 40 years old.
    Hey, Lauren, was branding women with a hot iron a “shitty” thing to do-

    Hey, Lauren, have you cried for all of the women you tortured-

    • Hey Shadow – I’m beginning to think it’s actually Keith’s posters you have scotch taped to your filthy bedroom walls. But I guess we have to admire your persistence when it comes to never letting a “Keith is a Sick Monster” article pass without finding a way to pile on a broken female.

      I also find it cute that you think a single soul (other than niceguy) clicks on any of your stupid links.

      Where have you gone Captain Obvious— Stable Cap has left and gone away.

      • Nutjob,

        Shadowstate’s links are sometimes timely, historically relevant and interesting.

        I am just not fan of his misogynist comments when it comes to young women and his loathing hatred of blonds with Cankles.

        Even Hitler had his positives he was a dog lover as well as animal lover. Hitler was a strict vegetarian.

  • Not sure if this will be a double post; if so aspologies – A post at the Underground Bunker, with links:

    corina70 • 2 hours ago

    WHOA I really like the judge

    When jury left, Agnifilo asked the judge why he cut off his line of questioning to Salzman.

    “You went way over the line,” the judge replied. “This is not DOS. This is not the allegation. This is a broken person.”

    “Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court.”

    The judge told Agnifilo m a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.”

  • Not sure if this will be a double post; if so aspologies – A post at the Underground Bunker, with links:

    corina70 • 2 hours ago

    WHOA I really like the judge

    When jury left, Agnifilo asked the judge why he cut off his line of questioning to Salzman.

    “You went way over the line,” the judge replied. “This is not DOS. This is not the allegation. This is a broken person.”

    “Judge told Agnifilo, while in front of the jury, “OK — were done! You’re done! I said we’re done. Sit down!”

    Salzman was bawling when Agnifilo asked about her conduct, whether she planned to commit a crime. Judge later said he didn’t want her to have nervous breakdown in court.”

    The judge told Agnifilo m a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.”

    • Agnifilo dug his own grave when he went along with the “sororiety sister’s slumber party” strategy he was spewing to the press upon KAR’s arrest, calling the branding a self-determined act of an empowered sisterhood not unlike the bonding branding rituals of NFL players (and who says they aren’t mind conditioned through brain damage, either.)

      Hasn’t been so long ago Lauren wasn’t likely rehearsing that script herself before pleading to tell the truth, kinda. Sounds like she lost her more recently rehearsed lines about being a wild child with Pam in her 20’s and Aggie’s lucky she didn’t lose her mind — what’s left of it — in the “disintegration” onset she has so oft witnessed induced on lesser slaves.

  • #NXIVM trending big in Mexico

    The NXIVM-Mexico-Salinas connection is heating up.

  • #NXIVM trending big in Mexico

    The NXIVM-Mexico-Salinas connection is heating up.

  • From the beginning of the trial, from his rambling opening statement, I thought Agnifilo was blundering. I predicted he’d mess up and make one of these women cry on the witness stand. I understand he’s having to make bricks without straw in this case, defending the utterly unsympathetic Raniere, but Agnifilo has dropped the ball again and again. He has twice needlessly irritated the judge, first by requesting a mistrial, and then last week in cross examining Vicente, when he started off saying (quite needlessly) that he would only take five minutes. When the judge pointed out that he had already gone over the five minute mark, Agnifilo made a wise-ass comment that this was his second five minutes. It pissed off the judge, which is never a good idea, and it made him, Agnifilo, look petty and sleazy. A defense attorney playing the smart-ass reflects poorly on his client.

    And now he does this.

    This trial has focused heavily on the sexual nature of this case. It was probably a mistake having a male defense attorney defend Raniere. It was definitely a mistake having one who makes women on the witness stand burst into tears. Agnifilo is presenting himself as a bully; Raniere looks bad enough as it is without that.

    I suspect Raniere is giving Agnifilo specific instructions on how to conduct the defense. A foolish mistake, but in character for the great Vanguard. Like Hitler micromanaging his generals, it will hasten his doom. Rainiere is nuts; he likely can’t understand how it is that his dictates about the superiority of the male has no force in this courtroom, how it can be that these women are defying him and contradicting him. His world is crumbling, and he’s the one locked in a cage, humiliated.

  • From the beginning of the trial, from his rambling opening statement, I thought Agnifilo was blundering. I predicted he’d mess up and make one of these women cry on the witness stand. I understand he’s having to make bricks without straw in this case, defending the utterly unsympathetic Raniere, but Agnifilo has dropped the ball again and again. He has twice needlessly irritated the judge, first by requesting a mistrial, and then last week in cross examining Vicente, when he started off saying (quite needlessly) that he would only take five minutes. When the judge pointed out that he had already gone over the five minute mark, Agnifilo made a wise-ass comment that this was his second five minutes. It pissed off the judge, which is never a good idea, and it made him, Agnifilo, look petty and sleazy. A defense attorney playing the smart-ass reflects poorly on his client.

    And now he does this.

    This trial has focused heavily on the sexual nature of this case. It was probably a mistake having a male defense attorney defend Raniere. It was definitely a mistake having one who makes women on the witness stand burst into tears. Agnifilo is presenting himself as a bully; Raniere looks bad enough as it is without that.

    I suspect Raniere is giving Agnifilo specific instructions on how to conduct the defense. A foolish mistake, but in character for the great Vanguard. Like Hitler micromanaging his generals, it will hasten his doom. Rainiere is nuts; he likely can’t understand how it is that his dictates about the superiority of the male has no force in this courtroom, how it can be that these women are defying him and contradicting him. His world is crumbling, and he’s the one locked in a cage, humiliated.

  • Look at what Mark Vicente posted to Instagram:

    “So while the media feeding frenzy continues unabated, the trolls are righteously telling us ‘how it is’ and many on-the-fencers are finally WTF!”


    This piece of culty shit accusing others of being righteous. An innocent person doesn’t get guaranteed immunity before talking bitch boy. You are one arrogant wanker. You are a hollow virtue signaler who refuses to acknowledge you knew what you were a part of. You are only talking to save your ass. You are a weak and bad person.

  • Look at what Mark Vicente posted to Instagram:

    “So while the media feeding frenzy continues unabated, the trolls are righteously telling us ‘how it is’ and many on-the-fencers are finally WTF!”


    This piece of culty shit accusing others of being righteous. An innocent person doesn’t get guaranteed immunity before talking bitch boy. You are one arrogant wanker. You are a hollow virtue signaler who refuses to acknowledge you knew what you were a part of. You are only talking to save your ass. You are a weak and bad person.

    • And as soon as NXIVM is reformed Mark Vicente will be right there to jump on board.
      NXIVM was not his first cult and will not be his last cult.

      And what is it with these NXIVM people and their addiction to coffee-

  • “The judge told Agnifilo a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.””

    Just what we need.
    A Judge who protects convicted gangsters like Lauren Salzman from the traumas these gangsters have inflicted on the world for 20 years.
    What about the tears and fears Lauren Salzman inflicted on the world for 20 years, Judge Garaufis?

    Boo Hoo Hoo.
    This woman tortured and abused people for twenty years and now she can’t face the consequences of the horrors she inflicted upon others.
    How horrible for Ms. Salzman to be confronted with the horrible things she has done to others.
    What’s sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose.

    Women want to be treated like adults but act like children.

  • “The judge told Agnifilo a certain level of consideration needs to be afforded to a person’s condition.

    “I had a crisis here,” Garaufis said, “and not in my courtroom! So you have your record and you can appeal my decision to the Second Circuit.””

    Just what we need.
    A Judge who protects convicted gangsters like Lauren Salzman from the traumas these gangsters have inflicted on the world for 20 years.
    What about the tears and fears Lauren Salzman inflicted on the world for 20 years, Judge Garaufis-

    Boo Hoo Hoo.
    This woman tortured and abused people for twenty years and now she can’t face the consequences of the horrors she inflicted upon others.
    How horrible for Ms. Salzman to be confronted with the horrible things she has done to others.
    What’s sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose.

    Women want to be treated like adults but act like children.

    • You are in this case 100% fucking correct

    • I see your point shadow but let be realistic: Lauren is still on the kool aid in some way, and she may live a PTSD. It will probably take years of therapy to deprogram her. This kind of psycic stress can be very hard to handle without medication and serious therapeutic help. So the Judge is not so stupid caring about his witness’s help.

      • except that she isn’t to be deprogrammed…She was the one giving the “hypnose”…
        PTSD, possibly but definately not because she was brainwashed…

        • People can be both perpetrators, and victims – just the sort of complex dynamic that we have yet to understand with regard to Mack, as well.

    • Lauren Salzman is not necessarily representative of women in general, any more that Keith Raniere is representative of men.

      Raniere seems to be stuck in a late adolescent developmental phase – I’m sure we all know some guys like that – and managed to surround himself with a group of women somehow similar.

      • Oh tell us more oh great enlightened one. The Sultan of obvious speaks. The point that sailed over your head is the hypocritical nature of feminism at play here.

  • Let me translate:


    I did so many bad things for twenty years up to and past the point I was fucking my master while he was hiding out in Mexico. I finally learned my lesson when I was charged with serious crimes while doing so much bullshit for him as I am now going to prison for them and the length of my sentence will be determined by how helpful I will be to the prosecution and such a sob story can only help.


    These NXIVM people are clowns. Destroyers of people’s lives and devaluers of their time.

  • Let me translate:


    I did so many bad things for twenty years up to and past the point I was fucking my master while he was hiding out in Mexico. I finally learned my lesson when I was charged with serious crimes while doing so much bullshit for him as I am now going to prison for them and the length of my sentence will be determined by how helpful I will be to the prosecution and such a sob story can only help.


    These NXIVM people are clowns. Destroyers of people’s lives and devaluers of their time.

  • So Ms Saltzman, what do you think about the defendant Mr. Raniere, is he a good guy or not –
    We’ll have to if the movie is as good as the trail.

  • Diane,

    Once again great reporting thanks!!!!

  • I hope Judge G going off on Marc doesn’t lend itself to a mistrial

  • I think our judge screwed up. He has been criticized for bias by the Second Circuit in the past, and I think he has just shown it again:

    On another matter, I noticed in The NY Post’s coverage they mentioned that Nicki Clyne urged Lauren Salzman to go through with the sex ceremony. It’s interesting to see Clyne’s name mentioned again, especially in this context. Now, it’s probably just me, but does anyone find Nicki Clyne’s heart-shaped face and her unnaturally perfect half-moon “Life is Good” smile just a bit creepy- She looks more like a cartoon image of a human than the real thing.

    • That’s actually pretty darn accurate…well said!

    • “On another matter, I noticed in The NY Post’s coverage they mentioned that Nicki Clyne urged Lauren Salzman to go through with the sex ceremony. It’s interesting to see Clyne’s name mentioned again, especially in this context. Now, it’s probably just me, but does anyone find Nicki Clyne’s heart-shaped face and her unnaturally perfect half-moon “Life is Good” smile just a bit creepy- She looks more like a cartoon image of a human than the real thing.”

      Here is my frightening thought to disturb your late night dreams:
      I believe that Nicki Clyne is probably the smartest woman in NXIVM.
      A devious Machiavellian woman.
      Sometimes smart people act the fool to disarm their competition.
      And Nicki Clyne knows how to act goofy when she is really three chess moves ahead of the competition.

      And I believe that Nicki set things up for both Allison Mack, a human with a dunce cap for a brain, and Lauren Salzman, another spineless, brainless NXIVM drone, to be video recorded as Raniere was arrested.
      Of course both women are sado-masochists too wrapped up in their fetish to think what’s happening around them.
      The shot was framed so that Allison Mack would be in the picture and Lauren Salzman’s name was deliberately mentioned by Nicki in the narration.
      Now Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman are inextricably linked to the NXIVM sex cult and Raniere.
      And both women are convicted felons.
      Meanwhile there is a report that Nicki is tooling around Half Moon in a white BMW with a posse of girl friends.
      Viva Executive Success!

      Sex Cult Still Going- Allison Mack’s Wife & Other Members Spotted Near NXIVM Base
      Nicki Clyne resurfaced in upstate New York this week, eyewitnesses claim.

      Allison and Lauren are LOSERS and Nicki is a survivor.

      And when the full story is revealed you will find that Nicki was working with both the FBI and the Salinas family to bring down Raniere, Mack and Salzman.
      When NXIVM is rebuilt by the Mexican elite Nicki Clyne will be on hand to receive a major post in the new organization.

      Shadow: Is Nicki Clyne very dumb or very devious-

  • Village Dianne Lipson heard more from the judge than the Times Union reporter

    From her reporting at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker:

    Finally Agnifilo was permitted to ask [Lauren Salzman]: When you were in DOS was it your intention to hurt people.

    At this point Lauren had a big meltdown, sobbing that she was trying to prove herself to Keith, and trying to prove her own self-worth. She was trying to salvage their relationship.

    At this point Judge Garaufis told Agnifilo very firmly, ‘You’re done.” There was something in the Judge’s tone that indicated that he was not just saying that because it was 5 pm.

    After the jury and the witness left, the judge asked the lawyers if they had any concerns. Agnifilo asked a question that i couldn’t hear, which sounded like it was regarding his questioning at the end.

    Judge Garaufis answered, in a tone that I’ll describe as controlled yet angry, (close paraphrase): You went way over the line. You kept coming back. I’m not going to have someone have a nervous breakdown in my court. This is a broken person. It’s necessary to have a certain level of consideration for her condition. I had a crisis here in my courtroom. If this case ends in a conviction, you can appeal.

    Agnifilo asserted that the questions he asked were important.

    Judge Garaufis: I have a right and an obligation to control the extent to which you can do this. I was watching this witness.

    Agnifilo: I didn’t raise my voice.

    Judge Garaufis: I’m not saying you didn’t maintain composure. I’m worried about her composure. You asked her about legal judgments. I took her guilty plea. I thought it was extremely excruciating. You went back to the line of questioning. I may not get everything right, I’m human. Before I’m a judge I’m a human being. I’m not going to allow this to continue!

  • Once upon a cult

    Keith had a sexual relationship with his mother–

  • She might have put on the tears deliberately and the judge might have been overly sympathetic as he’s male and she’s female. Either way this idea of punishing young people like this, even if the young person thought up their own punishment even, is just dreadful. The responsible older adults should have put a stop to it.

  • She’s only sorry because she got caught.
    No sympathy for her, her mother, or her sister

  • “I’m sorry. So very, very, sorry… (pause for tears) that I…, that I… got caught.” She had about 730 days to realise that keeping someone a prisoner is a terrible thing to do, but she only realised it when she fell into the hands of the FBI. If she realises how wrong it is, why didn’t she blow the whistle on it-

  • Trial underreported in Mexico

    From Slate:
    “One would think that given the number and nature of Raniere’s Mexican associates, the story would have caught fire in Mexico. In fact, the opposite happened. Raniere’s deep Mexican connections have been conspicuously underreported by the country’s press. Different media outlets offered Salinas, an eloquent speaker whose father served as president from 1988 to 1994, softball interviews and numerous other opportunities to distance himself from Raniere, a man he had defended vehemently in the past, calling him “heroic.”

  • All the Salinas are true monsters, murderers, rapists, thiefs, kidnappers and sex predators

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