By Heidi Hutchinson
In the December 2017 tightly-staged New York Times Magazine interview with Vanessa Grigoriadis – which was published after Allison Mack’s arrest – Allison was not even asked (at least not on the record) by Grigoriadis if she had a brand herself.
Lauren’s testimony shows that Keith created the brand. It was his idea and, hence, in the Times Magazine interview, Allison falsely “admitted” that branding was her idea.
It was not. These are indications that Allie was meant to “take the fall” for Keith, with Lauren’s assistance.
Highlighting Allison Mack’s “AM” in the stories about the branding in the media may have been exaggerating the misinformation — that the branding was Allie’s idea and that she superseded Lauren & Nancy in authority over the slaves.
It screams “set-up.” Keith may have been behind some of this.
If it had been one of Allie’s slaves who blew the whistle instead of Lauren’s slave, Sarah Edmondson — and maybe if Allie hadn’t run into her childhood pal at CBC — I wonder if Lauren may not have escaped arrest altogether?
I think Lauren has lied on the stand, claiming she didn’t know “AM” was in her brand, IMO, when it’s head-on view is far more obvious than KAR seen sideways. That spells Allison Mack set-up to me.
Lauren also told Sarah and others that it was a symbol of the elements so she must have missed the KAR, too. But to me that spells PERJURY.
Late innings remorse for Daniela
According to her testimony, Lauren took a call from Hector, Daniela’s dad, telling her that his intelligent, college-bound daughter “wanted” to take Nxivm classes. How well did she know Hector?
I admire your show of remorse for what happened to Daniela but how did you get into a mental state so unfeeling toward another human that you jailed and tortured an innocent, smart, rebel little girl you arranged with her Dad, Hector, to import for KAR – as surely as you were on the Bronfman jet to scoop up the sappy Allison Mack?

Fondling Fathers?
KAR mentions the “founding fathers” of our nation in his proposed defense of DOS.
That brings back memories of some pretty anti-patriarchal discussions I had with the Vanguard and with my sister Gina — starting with him discussing those pretty ‘disreputable sluts’ those ‘fondling fathers’ of our nation ‘enjoyed. They kept slaves and did all manner of hedonistic things to suppress women, Keith said then.

Agnifilo, a pretty tricky lawyer
During Stephen Herbits’s testimony in the trial of Keith Alan Raniere, his attorney, Marc Agnifilo asked the following question.
Agnifilo: All right. And I think you said on direct examination that Clare and Sara won that lawsuit against Parlato?
Herbits: My knowledge was that they won the lawsuit in LA, which was the Plyam lawsuit, and that’s the one where the suit was 28 million. They won 10 million.”
This is textbook, top-dollar, lawyer-lying at work and it ought to be illegal because it’s about tantamount to perjury. Agnifilo put words into Herbits mouth. A lie was slyly fed to Herbits in the form of a query.
And because Herbits did not directly negate that lie in his response, nor did the prosecution object, it’s perfectly legal slander, leading jurors to believe a complete falsehood about Frank Parlato, unintentionally substantiated by the credible Mr. Herbits.
Almost anyone reading the above question about Frank Parlato would presume there is a $10 million judgment against Parlato in the “Plyam” case?
That “Clare won”, as Herbits said, in some case against Frank? That a court of law pronounced Frank guilty of something he did to NXIVM?
Guess what? There’s no “judgment” against Frank Parlato for a single red cent in any case, anywhere and certainly not in the “Plyam case”.
I happen to know exactly the extent of Frank’s role in the “Plyam” case {I attended the trial] and, these same NXIVM swamp scum sharks were trying to do the same to Frank then, at that 2011 trial, as they are in this one — which Frank is, likewise, not a party to.
In both cases — the “Plyam” Case — actual title is: Precision Development v Plyam— and, now, this one, USA v Raniere – Frank was villainized in an effort to make the whistleblower the scapegoat – to try to blame him in absentia – for whatever sympathies the jury might have toward the Plyams (the defendants) or poor little Keith Raniere.
Frank came out to LA, hired Robert Crockett Esq. from Latham & Watkins, LA, on behalf of the Bronfmans, [Crockett has since made a fortune for himself suing Keith’s and Nxivm’s “enemies” with Clare’s money].
The good news is that the whole world now knows what Nxivm is all about — in no small part thanks to Frank Parlato and there is no lie about Frank or anyone in that courtroom that is going to acquit KAR.

40 commentsOn Heidi: Did Lauren Lie About Allison Mack’s Initials on the Brand?
cant wait till the nxivm porn spy kidnapping thriller .. if they can find someone to want to play raniere?
cant wait till the nxivm porn spy kidnapping thriller .. if they can find someone to want to play raniere-
A very good point about Allison being set up with the brand. I sometimes wondered if the M stood for Marianna. Both scenarios would not have been popular where the other slaves were concerned.
A very good point about Allison being set up with the brand. I sometimes wondered if the M stood for Marianna. Both scenarios would not have been popular where the other slaves were concerned.
Sadly it could be so many things…Monica, too, believed it was her initial…
and it could just be a coincidence because of the way the letters are all twisted at different angles.
But it’s definately not crazy to believe it was a set up. Raniere was always pinning someone else down for his crimes (Reason he got nothing in his name).
The branding is an interesting issue, because I think it will reveal a lot about Mack’s role, whether she was complicit in coming up with the idea of something so severe, and also just how much she was involved in the use of deceitful false premises and coercion leading up to the brandings, plus overseeing cruel ceremonies where women screamed and pleaded for the process to stop. I don’t think it is clear yet whether she was someone with weaknesses that left her vulnerable to being completely manipulated, or if Raniere tapped into a dark side of her. We will have to see what further testimony reveals.
Someone has pointed out that there could be several initials in the brand – there was more than just one “A” and “M” in the DOS inner circle.
In this morning’s testimony reported over at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, there is a reference to a man having been brought in to do the first brandings. Presumably, then, they got someone with experience in scarification from a tattoo and body modification studio to show Dr. Roberts how to do it.
I suspect the brand involved into something larger than was initially planned, because it wasn’t possible to do something so detailed on a very small scale. Even Sarah Edmondson’s larger brand healed into a rather indistinct mess.
“Someone has pointed out that there could be several initials in the brand – there was more than just one “A” and “M” in the DOS inner circle.”
Can you source that please?
It’s definitely designed to be read into and camouflage the KAR at least somewhat, IMO. That must have been a trick to convince KAR to size it down. Nancy or someone must have reassured him a smaller one would make his penis look bigger.
Please raise your hand to your typepad if you think maybe Lauren’s oversized brand was NOT a mistake as she testified. If so why?
The branding is an interesting issue, because I think it will reveal a lot about Mack’s role, whether she was complicit in coming up with the idea of something so severe, and also just how much she was involved in the use of deceitful false premises and coercion leading up to the brandings, plus overseeing cruel ceremonies where women screamed and pleaded for the process to stop. I don’t think it is clear yet whether she was someone with weaknesses that left her vulnerable to being completely manipulated, or if Raniere tapped into a dark side of her. We will have to see what further testimony reveals.
Someone has pointed out that there could be several initials in the brand – there was more than just one “A” and “M” in the DOS inner circle.
In this morning’s testimony reported over at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, there is a reference to a man having been brought in to do the first brandings. Presumably, then, they got someone with experience in scarification from a tattoo and body modification studio to show Dr. Roberts how to do it.
I suspect the brand involved into something larger than was initially planned, because it wasn’t possible to do something so detailed on a very small scale. Even Sarah Edmondson’s larger brand healed into a rather indistinct mess.
“Someone has pointed out that there could be several initials in the brand – there was more than just one “A” and “M” in the DOS inner circle.”
Can you source that please-
It’s definitely designed to be read into and camouflage the KAR at least somewhat, IMO. That must have been a trick to convince KAR to size it down. Nancy or someone must have reassured him a smaller one would make his penis look bigger.
Please raise your hand to your typepad if you think maybe Lauren’s oversized brand was NOT a mistake as she testified. If so why-
Heidi, it was just an astute commenter, Pyriel I think, who pointed out that the inner circle also included Monica and maybe others whose initials might be construed as being in the brand.
The testimony was that the original plan that the women discussed was for a smaller brand, but I’m pretty sure that the pro who was brought in would have nixed that idea as impractical given the complexity of the design. Perhaps Lauren didn’t understand that or wasn’t told, but according to what Edmondson has said, by the time Sarah was branded it seems that claiming that the brand was going to be smaller than it really was (and maybe even just a tattoo), was part of the process of deception and manipulation used to get women to go through with the ritual – and her brand appears to be more the size that Lauren described. Dr. Roberts was supposed to be working off a template, probably something the pro taught her, so I doubt there were any real “accidents” – if you care to google “scarification cautery pen” (and have the stomach for it) you will see that a design is laid down on the skin first, it’s not done freehand.
It’s still all somewhat unclear, but that’s my best estimation based on what we know, and some second hand experience from hanging around early body modification enthusiasts back in my grad school days – come to think of it, some of the Rajneesh followers who I rubbed elbows with were early adopters, too.
Sources- you know you won’t get it.
The closest to this is what Monica said to Sylvie about her initial being in the branding…
And i tend to agree with your analyse (the article) that it could be made to set up Allison.
It’s either that or a sad coincidence.
We know (as a fact Anonymaker) that it was not Allison’s idea but Raniere. She was not even authorized to make her own decision so designing the brand…
You continually mis-use the word “fact” – do you understand what it means in English- Or do you use it in the context of some French post-modern deconstructionism, in which truth and reality are relative notions – and it’s a “fact” to you if you believe it about your Ally- They do some similar culty thinking in Scientology, by the way, in which they claim that “what’s true, is what’s true for you.”
We don’t really know what the dynamic was between Raniere and Mack. Not only did Raniere set others up for blame, he also took credit for their ideas as well.
Unless someone was really privy to what went on between the two, we won’t really know what happened. And Lauren Salzman is not that sort of insider witness in this case, she was no longer sexually involved with Raniere the way Mack was, and only was brought into the circle of first-line slaves after Mack – all of which goes towards Mack having some sort of more key role.
It’s a fact that Mack told the New York Times, known as the “newspaper of record” in the United States, that she came up with the idea for the branding. Any conspiracy theory to the contrary, has yet to be proven.
The branding could have been a joint decision. It seems they were all really into the idea, so I’m not sure it’s important exactly who was ‘first’, though I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when these lunatics were all excitedly working out the ideas for this ghastly ceremony.
I wonder that nobody suggested candles and robes. And chanting. Make it a real Goth event, with rubber bats and fake cobwebs!
As for Allison Mack being set up, I don’t buy it. She was way into this. Eager to take credit. She was evidently still defending Raniere and remained loyal to him well after her arrest and into her home confinement. She was a loyal lieutenant, devoted to the cause. Part of the inner circle, and enthusiastic recruiter, a key figure behind JNESS (I remember her promoting that in all its nebulous glory, fuzzy nonsense about “amazing” female empowerment).
I feel sorry for Allison Mack. She had talent, she had promise. And she chose to ruin her life, and the lives of others. She’s a fool and a felon. After this is over and she’s released from prison I hope she has the decency to keep her head down, never harm anyone else, and disappear from public life.
Anony – You are so wrong on this and Heidi is so correct. Keith planned and led everything. For the cheap seats, (Anony & Shadow – I’m solely doing this for you up there in the nosebleeds) Keith planned and led everything. And just in case you haven’t picked it up from the first few witnesses – Keith planned and led everything.
Thinking Allison was the DOS mastermind is like falling for the hidden ball trick. Not many people fall for something so obvious and that we’ve seen a million times.
Nooo, Don’t break his fantasy!!! he wants so hard to believe that Allison is a monster…She was reading so many evilish books…everything she did (like breathing, Walking and sometime even RUNNING) says she is a monster.
More seriously, Don’t expect him (nor Shadow and a few other) to get clever overnight.
They WANT to believe that she is the mastermind (even when everything says the contrary) …trying to convince them is like trying to convince the flat-earthers to see the Truth…
I acknowledged that one possibility is that she was just “vulnerable to being completely manipulated.” And I certainly don’t think anything I’ve said could be construed as implying she was “the DOS mastermind.”
It’s not uncommon in groups like this that leaders find a paramour, often younger, who is something of a collaborative force and co-conspirator, and even an eventual successor – L. Ron Hubbard’s wife Mary Sue who was enough in charge of their infamous spying operation to be the one who went to jail, Mark Prophet’s wife Elizabeth Clare who took over and created the Church Universal and Triumphant out of their previous smaller movement, Sun Myung Moon’s wife the “True Mother” who helped grow the Moonies and succeeded him, and so on.
Wasn’t Mack effectively the second in rank in DOS after Raniere, running the collateral drop box – and reportedly running the show after he was jailed-
Mack now leading DOS; keeps slaves on 24 hour ‘readiness’
The grand jury indictments also place her as the second most culpable after Raniere. I certainly think legitimate questions remain about the exact nature of her role.
Wise words from the one known as Nutjob…..
I would like to point out to everyone that does not agree with Heidi’s and NutJob’s
point of view the fact over the last 100 hundred years the majority of cults have almost all had 50/50 membership or close to it….. between men and women.
NXIVM and the cult of Taste of a Woman are both cults that are both the exception and statistically extremely rare.
Men are just as malleable as women.
Men are actually more criminally inclined and more violent. Just look at the world’s prisons.
Part of my post cut off.
The rest of what I typed out was the fact that it is quite apparent that Raniere called all the shots and manipulated everyone for the most part.
Lauren and Allie made some of us do horrible, horrible disgusting things. I only like men, but those two made us try every lesbian act you can imagine with them and others and we feel sick to this day about it. Never heard of ‘rimming’ or ‘fisting’ before meeting Mistress Allie and Mistress Allie but I feel soooo gross and used by those women :(. Please pray that they will regret what they done to so many nice girls. I feel no man will want me now am so ashamed
maybemmu.. you underestimate men
“Never heard of ‘rimming’ or ‘fisting’ before meeting Mistress Allie ”
Allison taught her students about rimming and fisting!
She is a pervert.
For the sake of the readers who might just have eaten dinner I will not describe what rimming and fisting are.
Let’s just say that you would not want to kiss Allie after she has just “rimmed” Lauren.
Those are acts that are more common among male homosexuals in San Francisco than among the general American public.
Lauren and Allie made some of us do horrible, horrible disgusting things. I only like men, but those two made us try every lesbian act you can imagine with them and others and we feel sick to this day about it. Never heard of ‘rimming’ or ‘fisting’ before meeting Mistress Allie and Mistress Allie but I feel soooo gross and used by those women :(. Please pray that they will regret what they done to so many nice girls. I feel no man will want me now am so ashamed
I am so sorry this happened to you. I have the feeling you were raped by these appalling women and might need therapy to come to terms with what was done to you. Please consider any kind of counseling that might help you. And don’t let your focus be on attracting a man. Focus on your own emotional recovery. When you are in a better, stronger state and love the person you are, you will be more able to connect and form healthy attachments. I wish you all the best.
“That brings back memories of some pretty anti-patriarchal discussions I had with the Vanguard, with my sister Gina — starting with him discussing those pretty ‘disreputable sluts’ those ‘fondling fathers’ of our nation ‘enjoyed. They kept slaves and did all manner of hedonistic things to suppress women, Keith said then.”
Heidi, my college Minor was in History.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin fathered a child out of wedlock? (Actually Franklin might have fathered 15 children out of wedlock.)
Ben Franklin’s son William was born out of wedlock.
William Franklin FRSE (c. 1730 – November 1813) was an American-born attorney, soldier, politician, and colonial administrator. He was the acknowledged illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent of the Patriot leaders of the American Revolution and a Founding Father of the United States.
And one of Ben Franklin’s most famous quotes is “Three people may keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
Sounds to me like Ben Franklin was a gangster.
Ben Franklin was a notorious adulterer.
While Franklin is often quoted for certain eloquence concerning words that sound “faithful,” most are unaware that he was a shameless and apparently unrepentant adulterer. He wrote many letters to a married, young French woman named Madame Brillon.
Benjamin Franklin: Beloved Founding Father… and Womanizer?
But dig a little deeper in the history books, and you may be surprised to find that the genteel, wise, and portly old Franklin had an uncontrollable weakness for the opposite sex. As a teenager, he made advances towards his good friend’s mistress (yes, that was the end of their friendship), and let’s not forget in his early 20s, he fathered an illegitimate child whom his wife, Rebecca, would eventually help raise.
And one of Ben Franklin’s most famous works was his advice to a young man.
Choose an older woman because in the dark you can’t tell if women are young or old.
In the letter, which was entitled “Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress,” Franklin advised: “In all your Amours, you should prefer old Women to young ones.” He goes on to explain that with older women they tend to have more discretion, will take care of you when you’re sick, are cleaner than prostitutes, and that “there is no hazard of children.” He also offered that you can’t really tell who’s old or young when you’re in the dark.
Ben Franklin had a lot of sex. Everybody talks about it now. In 2003 Time magazine called him a “babe magnet.” Some estimate that he had 15 children out of wedlock. For many this makes him “cool.”
America’s Founding Playboys: Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton
Thomas Fleming discusses The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers.
Gee, Shadow, you sound just like Keith!
Actually, more like my sister, Gina, regurgitating Keith’s American history lessons when she was his student after convincing our Mom to let her drop out of HighSchool to be tutored by him. No offense.
Gina did make it through college, eventually. She also got kicked off her Mormon mission for using NLP to impart Keith’s teachings on her mission companions, one of whom was, unfortunately, the daughter of a prominent LDS leader who complained Gina was causing her to “lose her testimony” or faith in the Mormon gospel, despite Gina having a very high rate of converts to Mormonism using Keith’s indoctrination methods while proselytizing for them.
How long were you in Nx, btw? Also, would you say our Nation’s founding fathers were more democrats or republicans? JK.
Actually my college American History Professor, a man named John Pruitt, taught me about Ben Franklin and Franklin’s out of wedlock child back in the late seventies at the University of Illinois.
And my college room mate, a History Major, told me about Franklin’s advice to a young man on choosin.g a Mistress.
Raniere might be a pervert but on History he is at least part right.
original pizzagate
You’re right.
When Ben Franklin lived in London he was a member of the infamous Hellfire Club.
Ben Franklin was sure a randy old goat.
The spiritual inspiration for Keith Raniere.
“That brings back memories of some pretty anti-patriarchal discussions I had with the Vanguard, with my sister Gina — starting with him discussing those pretty ‘disreputable sluts’ those ‘fondling fathers’ of our nation ‘enjoyed. They kept slaves and did all manner of hedonistic things to suppress women, Keith said then.”
Heidi, my college Minor was in History.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin fathered a child out of wedlock- (Actually Franklin might have fathered 15 children out of wedlock.)
Ben Franklin’s son William was born out of wedlock.
William Franklin FRSE (c. 1730 – November 1813) was an American-born attorney, soldier, politician, and colonial administrator. He was the acknowledged illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent of the Patriot leaders of the American Revolution and a Founding Father of the United States.
And one of Ben Franklin’s most famous quotes is “Three people may keep a secret if two of them are dead.”
Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
Sounds to me like Ben Franklin was a gangster.
Ben Franklin was a notorious adulterer.
While Franklin is often quoted for certain eloquence concerning words that sound “faithful,” most are unaware that he was a shameless and apparently unrepentant adulterer. He wrote many letters to a married, young French woman named Madame Brillon.
Benjamin Franklin: Beloved Founding Father… and Womanizer-
But dig a little deeper in the history books, and you may be surprised to find that the genteel, wise, and portly old Franklin had an uncontrollable weakness for the opposite sex. As a teenager, he made advances towards his good friend’s mistress (yes, that was the end of their friendship), and let’s not forget in his early 20s, he fathered an illegitimate child whom his wife, Rebecca, would eventually help raise.
And one of Ben Franklin’s most famous works was his advice to a young man.
Choose an older woman because in the dark you can’t tell if women are young or old.
In the letter, which was entitled “Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress,” Franklin advised: “In all your Amours, you should prefer old Women to young ones.” He goes on to explain that with older women they tend to have more discretion, will take care of you when you’re sick, are cleaner than prostitutes, and that “there is no hazard of children.” He also offered that you can’t really tell who’s old or young when you’re in the dark.
Ben Franklin had a lot of sex. Everybody talks about it now. In 2003 Time magazine called him a “babe magnet.” Some estimate that he had 15 children out of wedlock. For many this makes him “cool.”
America’s Founding Playboys: Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton
Thomas Fleming discusses The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers.
It’s all coming out now, shady one. Be honest – you SO badly wanted to type, “AND I THINK THIS MAKES BEN COOL!”
Ha ha!! Hilarious, Nutjob!
And thanks Shadow, that is really interesting. And disappointing!
You left out one of Old Ben’s best comments.
……” it’s all the same under the girdle.”
The image we all have of Ben Franklin was carefully created and constructed by Ben Franklin himself.
Ben always refused to loan money to his family. Once they all died Ben constructed a monument to them to show what a great loving son and brother he was.
In reality Ben was a shit head who refused his family.
“Jane” the DOS slave said Allison Mack was not branded, instead she had a tattoo.
“Jane” the DOS slave said Allison Mack was not branded, instead she had a tattoo.
And “Jane” the Dos slave (despite defending Allison) is potentially not even member of Nxivm…Even Frank can’t be sure of who she is so the testimony she gave…
Marie White’s “Lauren in NXIVM”,
captures Lauren Salzman’s true essence….. A herpe wart covered witch.
Not likely Lauren Salzman lied on the stand. Her plea deal requires her to tell the truth.
Why would she risk her deal to lie about the brand when she has put herself on public display for all the world to see her very bad actions and decisions.
There are many reasons Lauren would lie. Chiefly to protect her mom, sister, brother-in-law and herself from the extent of their culpability in these and possibly more heinous crimes they are yet to be charged with. If ever. Sigh.
Secondarily, perhaps, there ARE some very, very wealthy, powerful influential individuals and groups whom Lauren may be counting on — whom Nancy could always rely on given the proper incentive — eager to protect the dear distressed damsels from accusations of perjury or contempt. Plus, IDK if perjury is quite the crime it used to be — Clare Bronfman’s pulled it off a number of times now w/o consequence.
Finally, some, all of those aforementioned, influential individuals and their families have a personal, high stake in this matter. Sara Bronfman, Carlos Salinas — for starters.
And that’s not EVEN getting into any of the more controversial, apparent political skin in this game.
Too bad she seems so confused about which master she needs to please. Sounds like cognitive dissonance — one of the feats Keith boasts of inflicting on any dissidents — aka “disintegration”
aka “mental breakdown” and deliberately inflicted at that.
Nancy knew it from the get-go, “I think he’s delusional,” was her first impression of the Vanguard when she was already nearly 40 years old and looked it.
Maybe he seduced her, mind fucked her too, but, c’mon, no one’s so oblivious to mindfuckery — Especially somebody like NLP Nancy — an expert herself in it — that there can be any excuse ever for what she’s done to her own daughters, the daughters of our own and other nations — that Nancy dragged by the hair to KAR’s lair a generation prior before turning over the baton to Lauren.
I get the ferocious defence of Frank! the way I read it Agni certainly slipped Herbitt’s a mickey, but this wouldn’t have been the time to raise any serious objection, it would have amounted to Frank’s name being mentioned 6 or 8 times to posit and deny a lie, instead of, as it were, to flesh out the entirely fictional plot of Herbitt’s communicating with ‘Parlato,’ testimony which places Frank in the frame of persecuted Enemies of Nxivm, (heroes all) for good and all.
Of course, Frank is innocent of the rank criminality he’s accused of. He protects his hard-won earnings with stealth, who (being persecuted by, and outside nxivm) wouldn’t- Agnifiglio perjured himself, if he raises the Plyam business as evidence of anything but Raniere/Bronfman criminality, which was and is the context, it will not stand.
What has been established, for me is a clear understanding of the capricious and vindictive way Raniere and the Bronfman girls operated this racket (I try to imagine being one of the twelve) Vexatious litigation is their entitlement- Herbitt’s seemed to say, this, and even more ambitious shenanigans.
Clare Bronfman has zero credibility, and as he repeatedly stated, neither has her sister Sara. I believe Herbitts testimony to be the kiss of death for Sarah and Clare, in their own social class/millieu and in any realm of public influence, certainly in America.
Is there any way to find out the name of the tattoo artist who was brought in to show the slaves how to carve themselves at first? Big guy, maybe “John” was his name?
Gina was covered in tats when she died. I went with her once to a parlor in, I think, Saratoga maybe Woodstock. A more touristy place than Albany, per se. She tried to convince me to get one but I couldn’t even watch HER getting hers just by seeing the pained look on her face.
Gina tried to sell me on it as a way of “owning” my body and experiencing pain as a path to enlightenment.
Is it the same guy, I’m wondering? Now, I’m thinking the place was on route 9.
I remember Gina joking that “Heidi’s a porn star, that’s why she can’t mar her flesh. She doesn’t own her own body — something to that effect. To which the tat artist replied, “we’re all porn stars.” And we got into some conversation about what he meant by that.
I was just a little concerned he was taking the joke seriously, too. Albany’s a small town. There was other weirdness going on during that visit back home with Gina’s NXIVM “friends” and KAR.
We need to get a pic of her corpse to see if there are any initials in the designs. KAR was Hella jealous of her “Samayatara” tats at one point even though he constantly instigated the whole Samayatara trip she was on to begin with.
Then, I thought maybe they were trying to give her a different or additional past life persona after she was Samaytara for decades. She was talking “Simone du Beauvoir,” but never quit being Samayatara. About three years ago, now, someone was dropping Simone du Beauvoir quotes in my email inbox. I thought they were heckling me about Gina or someone knew something so I started researching Simone.
Turns out in 1979 — after Gina was born — she and Jean Paul Sartre were advocating to change the laws in France to lower the age of consent using some of the same rationalizations about it Keith used on me regarding Gina. Except for the eternal, “ageless” goddess thing. I haven’t found anything about that in French or Buddhist philosophy so far. Keith can patent that argument for statuatory rape for himself.
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