Lauren Salzman to Testify Tomorrow

In Featured, News, NXIVM

Tomorrow one of the chief cooperating witnesses, Lauren Salzman, will be testifying.

A green sash in Nxivm, [high rank] and a longtime member of Nxivm, Lauren was indicted last July along with Clare Bronfman, Kathy Russell, and Lauren’s mother, Nancy Salzman.

Prior to these indictments, Allison Mack and Keith Alan Raniere were indicted – in April, 2018.

All of them have pleaded guilty except Raniere.

Lauren signed a 10-page cooperation agreement as part of her plea deal and is expected to take the stand tomorrow and give ample evidence of a number of crimes. Perhaps most significantly she will testify about Daniela, the Mexican woman who was confined to a bedroom in Clifton Park for some 22 months on the orders of Raniere.

Lauren worked hand-in-glove with Raniere to punish and keep Daniela imprisoned. There is evidence that Lauren prevented Daniela from getting her ID so that she – an illegal alien in the US – might not be able to return to Mexico

Daniela was imprisoned because she refused to be part of Raniere’s harem – with its stricture that while Raniere could fuck any woman he pleased – all the women in his harem could only be with the glorious one – who referred to himself as Vanguard.

In interviews with Frank Report long before the investigation, Daneila said she told Raniere that if he could have sex with any women, she would demand the same privilege.

He grew furious, and ordered her to be remanded to a room until she realized she had committed an ethical breach. She was one stubborn woman, for she refused to admit it and remained in the unlocked room for some 22 months.

Her “ethical breach”, which Raniere, of course, kept secret from the Nxigm community, was simply that she had a hankering to date Ben Myers.  Frank Report had written about this years ago.

And the upshot was that while Daniela was imprisoned, Lauren’s sister Michelle wound up falling in love with Myers, whose main function in Nxivm was to hack into enemies[and friends’] computers for Raniere.  They wound up becoming engaged while Daniela was caged in her room.

The good news is that Raniere is now in a cage and I figure he will be there for much longer than 22 months.

As for Lauren, who aided and abetted this crime and many others, pleaded to two counts – racketeering and racketeering conspiracy. She faces 3-5 years based on sentencing guidelines.

However, Lauren’s cooperation agreement and how well she testifies tomorrow may go a long way toward getting a downward departure on her sentencing.

I expect her to sing and not necessarily a cappella.

She knows of many crimes and it might be added she was a front line DOS slave who also likely coerced many slaves to do Raniere’s bidding.

She, as much as Allison Mack, was a leader of DOS and I have had leaked to me a series of her texts which show the extraordinary lengths she went to get collateral on her slaves. She was a regular Nazi about it  – demanding her slave take more and more graphic nude pictures etc.

I interviewed some of her slaves – and they paint of picture of a woman who could be loving one minute and very punishing the next moment.  Sarah Edmondson was one of Lauren’s slaves – and it was this blunder on Lauren’s part – that created the implosion of DOS.

I have often alluded to Lauren and Keith’s relationship. She was in his harem and long ago he promised that he would sire for her an avatar baby. Tomorrow we may hear more about it.

I expect we will hear a pretty disillusioned Lauren tell us about all the lies and crimes that Keith Raniere made her do. She will admit to crimes and describe life in his harem, I suspect.

She is the first harem member to testify and remember Lauren – brought into Nxivm by her mother Nancy – has been in Nxivm since the beginning in or around 1998.

Lauren is now 42. She never had the avatar baby – and probably had numerous abortions at his command and was director of education.

She was an exploration of meaning practicioner [An EMP] which was the mind-fucking therapy that got Nxians to go into a one and one session and dive back to their childhood to sort out issues that affected them today and in so doing provided plenty of secret information about themselves for Raniere to chew on.

This should be quite a day tomorrow.

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29 commentsOn Lauren Salzman to Testify Tomorrow

  • Is Lauren going to admit how she and Allison Mack conspired to make India Oxenberg the Fall Guy or Patsy for the whole scandal-

    By designating India Oxenberg as the Fall Guy or Patsy Lauren Salzman and Allison Mack demonstrate that they are hard core criminals.
    Only Gangsters set up Fall Guys and Patsies.
    Salzman & Mack: India Oxenberg to ‘take the fall’ for the sake of the mission.

    if any women were coerced, it was India Oxenberg’s fault.
    Everything that was done that was named in the criminal complaint was ordered by India Oxenberg and Mack.

    Lauren Salzman and her mother, Prefect Nancy Salzman, explained to Mack that India Oxenberg made a vow that is “in keeping with her inner integrity”. Breaking the vow will “not be in alignment with her inner integrity.”

    Mack, Oxenberg and Clyne have made a pact to go to prison, saying privately they are ready to walk into prison tomorrow if Raniere could be free today. Salzman said she wanted to join them but someone must remain to run the mission.

    Mack agreed with Salzman that if India Oxenberg [who is Mack’s slave] goes to prison to save Raniere, it will be “in line with what’s authentic with herself and what’s integrous with herself.”

    • Shadowstate,

      Thanks for that interesting tidbit Shadowstate. I forgot about that fact.

      By the way

      • Neither Salzman nor Mack sound like victims in that story.
        And I’m sure Catherine Oxenberg does not appreciate what they were planning to do to India.

        • I love how India has now become an innocent victim–she was just as involved in the cult as the rest of them, that’s why she was named as a co-conspirator. She’s gotten away with her crimes because her mom used her celebrity to save her.

    • I think we can forget about that arrangement, Plan B is in effect. Also, she will answer the questions that are asked of her truthfully, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or expect a much longer prison sentence.

  • If even ONE moron calls this bitch-with-a-beak a “hero” for talking to the court, then you deserve lyme disease. Same with Mark Vicente. Dirty people trying to save their asses.

  • Frank,

    How do you think Keith Raniere will be sleeping tonight- 😉

    Thanks for the update as always!!!!

    • I love how Frank picked out Lauren Salzman’s most flattering photograph for this court update piece. LOL

  • I think all of the commenters complaining about the previous witnesses will be satisfied tomorrow, and perhaps the day after that, and the day after that….

  • Lauren is not important. Did you know that Kreuk was still in Nxvim in 2015– I’m cumming!!! Maybe the Russisns tried to hide the truth- Let’s write a book about that!


  • Now THIS is what I’m waiting for. Vicente testified 2.5 days right- Lauren has to be like days. And on a Friday no less.

  • I hope she has come to her senses and sings like a canary about Raniere. She still has a lot of life left. She could save so many people by telling the ugly truth of KR. I hope she does.

  • Would anyone know which prison Keith might be sent to IF he is found guilty- I hope it’s outside of NYS.

  • Don’t get too excited. Even if Vantard is convicted, he will already be doing his best to appear pathetic to the judge. My guess is he gets less than five and serves three, assuming he is not shivved.

    As for the ladies, they will each get a designer slap on their designer wrists. Any time served will be in the manner of Martha Stewart..

    Tomorrow should prove fun.

  • Pingback: Lauren Salzman to Testify Tomorrow ()

  • Ah. Lauren. Sharing Keith sexually with mom and sis. Kind of like one of those incestuous bsck woods romances, huh-
    Makes one go eeeew!

  • This is going to be Lauren Salzman trying to use her testimony to whittle down her prison time vs. Lauren Salzman, the current or not so current devotee. Twenty years of being a cult hag sits in her pocket, so many will be watching and listening to find out how she plays this. Will she be humble and self-effacing- Will she try to be a minimalist, giving flat, scant info while protecting her chubby god- Clare Bronfman already cornered the market on the fainting bit. Lauren could try the soaked snotrag approach if she’s effusive enough. The first of the plea clique can reveal a lot, not only by her testimony but also by her mood and delivery.

  • Look at it this way.
    Keith Raniere, by stringing Lauren along until she is too old to have a child, has done the world a great service.
    The world will not be cursed by Lauren Salzman’s Demon Baby.
    And if Lauren wants companionship she can always buy some feral cats to keep her company.

  • “Lauren is now 42. She never had the avatar baby – and probably had numerous abortions at his command and was director of education.”

    This is a heck of a thing, claiming Lauren had numerous abortions–do you have proof or is this just speculation-

  • So Keith was having sex with Nancy and her two daughters- Wow…and to think that West Virginia is the butt of incestuous jokes!

  • I’m having flashback visions of the Manson Family cult and their trial as I read all your comments.

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