By Shadow State
This is in response to comment by John, who wrote, “I noticed in The NY Post’s coverage they mentioned that Nicki Clyne urged Lauren Salzman to go through with the [group] sex ceremony. It’s interesting to see Clyne’s name mentioned again, especially in this context. Now, it’s probably just me, but does anyone find Nicki Clyne’s heart-shaped face and her unnaturally perfect half-moon “Life is Good” smile just a bit creepy? She looks more like a cartoon image of a human than the real thing.”

Here is my frightening thought to disturb your late night dreams:
I believe that Nicki Clyne is probably the smartest woman in NXIVM. She is a devious Machiavellian woman. Sometimes smart people act the fool to disarm their competition.
Nicki Clyne knows how to act goofy when she is really three chess moves ahead of the competition.

I believe Nicki set things up for both Allison Mack, a human with a dunce cap for a brain, and Lauren Salzman, another spineless, brainless NXIVM drone, to be video recorded as Raniere was arrested.
Of course, both women are sado-masochists too wrapped up in their fetish to think what’s happening around them.
The shot was framed so that Allison Mack would be in the picture and Lauren Salzman’s name was deliberately mentioned by Nicki in the narration.
Now Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman are inextricably linked to the NXIVM sex cult and Raniere.
Both women are convicted felons.
Meanwhile there is a report that Nicki is tooling around Half Moon in a white BMW with a posse of girl friends. Viva Executive Success!
Sex Cult Still Going? Allison Mack’s Wife & Other Members Spotted Near NXIVM Base
Nicki Clyne resurfaced in upstate New York this week, eyewitnesses claim.
Allison and Lauren are LOSERS and Nicki is a survivor.
And when the full story is revealed, I think we will find that Nicki was working with both the FBI and the Salinas family to bring down Raniere, Mack and Salzman.
When NXIVM is rebuilt by the Mexican elite, Nicki Clyne will be on hand to receive a major post in the new organization.
Shadow: Is Nicki Clyne very dumb or very devious?
Aren’t all the NXIVM women supposed to be empowered women? Independent, modern women.

The young woman behind the cash register of McDonald’s has more steel in her spine than Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman put together. And to top it off the McDonald’s cashier has more brains in her head that Mack and Salzman.
But there is one woman in NXIVM who is empowered: Nicki Clyne.
‘While the vapid Allison Mack and bland Lauren Salzman were dreaming up new ways to degrade women, Nicki Clyne was likely working with the FBI and the Salinas family to bring their sado-masochistic House of Cards down.
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The schmucks, Allison and Lauren were set up by Nicki to be on hand when Raniere was arrested [see film above which Frank Report released to the world].
Nicki had her camera rolling to record the festivities.
Viva Executive Success, Nicki!
Yes, Nicki will be in on the rebuilding of NXIVM under Salinas management.
While Allison and Lauren will be asking passers by, “New in town, Sailor?”

24 commentsOn Shadow: Nicki Clyne – the Smartest Woman in Nxivm?
No. Clyne is not devious or brilliant, but she’s smart enough to know better than break the law.
” but she’s smart enough to know better than break the law.”
That makes Nicki head and shoulders smarter than Allison and Lauren.
Hey MK10 art if you are reading, How about a rendition of the sultan (Sabre drawn) defending his dream spank Kristin K.
How about an imaginary painting of Shadowstate- Twould be fitting 🙂
Here’s my photo
Does she have enough white paint for all the disgusting low testosterone semen- The creeper has ejaculated at a minimum 3.70 pounds of jizz over his fantasy spank. The c*** risks a serious case of wrist sprains, if he hasn’t already.
Myself and Nikki have communicated with coded messages for years. Shadowstate has almost solved the puzzle, the clever little detective, but there are still pieces he has not yet found.
You might tell Nicki that she has been mentioned in Crazy Days and Nights.
And it is not good news.
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019
Blind Item #13
A few enterprising leaders, including a former actress, of this former cult have started an escort service using some of the still brainwashed former members.
If this item is true, Yolanda, please tell Nicki to stop what she is doing before she ends up like Allison and Lauren.
The Feds are serious about sex trafficking.
I have nothing against sex between consenting adults and maybe someday it will be legalized as a commercial activity.
But until it is Nicki could be skating on thin ice.
Please for Nicki’s sake convey this message.
Might I suggest some Pepto Bismol for an upset stomach-
Ya know…this is really an interesting twist if it’s true!
Hell, maybe she thought her way out of the mess and saved herself a conviction and a ton of women being duped/ branded in the process. I’m okay with that.
You are either on some serious Acid or in dire need of a Clonazepam…..
“Nicki will be in on the rebuilding of NXIVM under Salinas management.”
Will House Stark or House Lannister be helping Nicki Clyne-
Will NXIVM be rebuilt in Westeros or in Narnia-
Oh what wicked chicanery is at foot!!!!!
Winter is coming…..
….and something sinister lurks in the shadows of are States…..
NXIVM is still operating.
Prosecution asks if Nxivm is still operating
‘They’re baaaaack’ – Actually NXIVM Has Never Gone Away – Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman & Omar Boone now lead Nxivm
Longtime harem member Dawn Morrison still operating KAR-MA LLC – a Raniere-inspired MLM
Society of Protectors is alive and well – and so is Nxivm
“Smallville” star Kristin Kreuk previously denied being involved in the sex cult, but admitted to briefly attending Nxivm meetings and not witnessing anything nefarious at the time.”
What nonsense.
Briefly attending NXIVM meetings!- That’s it!-
No, Fox News. Kristin Kreuk was a formal coach and recruiter, she used her fame to fight off the cult tag, she knew Keith Raniere was a pedophile as she was named in the Feb 2012 expose that revealed that she knew about financial crimes as she was named as a likely future defendant in a criminal lawsuit against NXIVM, her name and face were all over the Necker Island articles that spoke about crimes (others named in those articles were named in the lawsuit), she never formally left the cult. She broke up with her cult boyfriend at some point in 2013 and spent the remaining two years filming a television show in Toronto. She was even coaching in Vancouver the same month she went back to Toronto for filming. Ask Lucas and Mark. She was still coaching in 2015 and that is a fact.
If Nicki is cooperating with the FBI, how will she then start NXIVM again with the Mexicans- Shadows’s conspiracy exists only in his head. Meanwhile the leader of the Society of Protectors is free to
Disturbing, most of us out in the hinterlands got the impression that NXIVM was toast, finis, adios. Bears watching, hopefully the 80,000 still sealed dockets queued up in PACER will provide much more insight once unsealed. I’d hate to think that smarmy anti-Trumper Salinas stands to benefit from the human wreckage piling up at Raniere’s manacled feet. Frankly though, another way to look at this is that Salinas is just another dot to be connected in a complex landscape of deeply entrenched elite evil, for example, dots connecting the sex trafficking and compromise operations NXIVM was likely involved in to the other cartel lines of business, which seemed to flourish under globalist Salinas’ leadership. We know MS13 was sponsored by the deep state, as their post-Mafia internal pool of muscle and wet work operatives.
there are no coincidences …..reddit r/coincidencetheorist {catchy persona} ;0
Salinas , both father and son, are graduates of Harvard University and both are in tight with Bill Clinton and the Globalist elite.
Absolutely 100% correct. Nice to see some awake people here among a heard of simple minded sheep.
The Smartest Woman in Nxivm? Nicki Clyne. or Grace Park?
One wonders if US wars lead to terrorism, refugees, debt, and tyranny.
The deep state military industrial complex thrives on war. They are finally being dealt with
I watched a couple of episodes of Battlestar Galactica yesterday, but knowing what we now know, it was a slightly surreal experience. Will she play any part in the current legal proceedings? If, has been alleged her marriage to Mack is a sham, will she be allowed to reside in the US indefinitely? There is a very loud silence regarding Nicki Clyne’s legal position.
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