Mark Vicente – In-Depth Review – Part IV

In Featured, News, NXIVM

Editor’s Note: Several readers have asked for links to the daily transcripts of the trial. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to provide such links at this point in time (The same is true for every other media outlet that is purchasing transcripts).


This is the fourth in a series of reports about Mark Vicente’s testimony on May 7th & May 8th in the U.S. v. Raniere case (You can access the first report here, the second report here, and the third report here).

Mark Vicente

He will be returning to the witness stand on Monday, May 13th, to provide further direct testimony – after which he will be cross-examined by one of Raniere’s defense attorneys.


The next topic that Vicente testified about was the Rainbow Cultural Gardens (RCG) program.

As Frank Report readers know, this was a program designed by Raniere in which children would be “taught” in several different languages by several so-called Multi-Disciplinary Specialists – all of whom were, in fact, unqualified as teachers.

Rainbow Cultural Garden

In reality, the RCG program was both an unlicensed daycare operation – and an unlicensed school.

The RCG program was headed up by Loreta Davila Garza – who was also unqualified as a daycare provider and as a teacher.


Vicente then described other film projects that he had undertaken at Raniere’s request.

One was named “Finding the Carbon Crimes” – and was meant to convey Raniere’s belief that global warming was a complete myth.

Another was focused on “debunking” all the supposed lies that had been propagated about Raniere by the media and his enemies.

The latter film was going to include a piece in which the “true story” about Kristin Snyder was revealed.

Kristin Snyder

According to Raniere, this “true story” would reveal the never-disclosed-before fact that private investigators had found Kristin Snyder in a hotel with her lover – and that she faked her suicide “to try to get away from some kind drug thing that she was involved in”.

Sadly, the film about Kristin Snyder never came to fruition.


Next, Vicente testified about how the weekly volleyball games were structured.

The Captain of the A-Team

It turns out that there were three groups of people at those games:
– The “A-Team”, which included Jim DelNegro, Ben Meyers, Mike Baker, and Adrian;
– The “B-Team”, which consisted of people who were just learning the game; and
– 15-40 spectators.

Unfortunately, Vicente was not asked any questions about the outfits that Raniere wore in those volleyball games – which probably means we’ll never really know what those were all about.


Although Vicente had moved to Albany in order to become more involved with NXIVM, he did not get to meet with Raniere on a regular basis for quite some time.

But, after the departure of the NXIVM 9, he became increasingly involved with Raniere – and was in touch with him on a daily basis for several years before he quit the cult in 2017.

Nancy Salzman

Nancy Salzman tried to impress upon Vicente just how lucky he was to be spending so much time with The Vanguard.

“Nancy Salzman would say to me things like, you know, ‘Do you understand what it means to spend an hour with him? Do you understand that that – you know, his time is worth $100,000 per hour and that when you are spending time with him the way you are, you are getting millions of dollars’ (of value)”.


Nancy also Vicente about some of Raniere’s abilities and powers that were generally not discussed in public: e.g., how he could affect the weather – and how his energy field often caused problems with computers.

She also told Vicente that Raniere had figured out the “path to enlightenment through sexuality”.

Unfortunately, Vicente was so taken aback by that comment that he never asked any follow-up questions.


The next topic concerned an inquiry that Vicente received from Raniere about whether he could remove part of a videotape in a way that was undetectable.

The inquiry came in June 2008 during the midst of what turned out to be NXIVM’s 14-year lawsuit against Rick Ross.

Raniere explained to him that certain things needed to be removed from several videotapes because leaving them in would put the Rational Inquiry patent at risk (Vicente only learned later on that there was no such patent).

The parts of the videotapes that had to be removed concerned various training session in which Nancy Salzman had claimed that Raniere’s “technology” could cure certain diseases.

As Vicente explained it, the process for altering the videotapes was quite involved – and definitely amounted to the falsification of evidence:

“The first stage was that the people in legal — legal department were to determine what needed to be removed. We were then – the video department was then given a list of, you know, remove these things here from this number to this number. We would then use various processes to remove it and then processes to create glitches to make it look like it was natural, that nothing was actually removed.

“Then a final master copy was made, that was then duplicated a number of times to give it the appearance of being older, multiple generations, then labels were put on that would age the — there was some scuffing that occurred to make things look older, then that was handed off to — back to the legal department and then went wherever it went”.

Vicente then confirmed the other people in the Communications Department who helped him alter the videotapes were Ken Kozak, Megan Mumford, Chris Mumford, and Adrian AKA Fluffy, who was the brother of Cami, Dani, and Marianna.

And the people from the Legal Department who participated in this activity were “Kristin, Keith (and) potentially Clare Bronfman [Editor’s

Note: I think the court reporter misheard the words “Kristin Keeffe” and recorded them as “Kristin, Keith”].

All in all, more than ten videotapes were altered to remove problematic content before they were turned over to Rick Ross’ attorneys as part of the discovery in that case.

While it might be expected that Raniere’s attorney will challenge

Vicente’s recollection of various events, that’s going to be hard to do with respect to the alteration of the videotapes.

That’s because the prosecution was able to produce several email strings that show exactly what went on with the falsification of the videotapes – and which people were aware of that activity.

Those people include Vicente, Chris Mumford, Megan Mumford, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Kristin Keeffe, Dan Brotman, and Clare Bronfman.

And so ended Mark Vicente’s testimony on Thursday, May 9th.


At the end of each day, the presiding judge, U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, reiterates his instructions to the jurors before they leave for the day.

For those who like to know all the details of what’s going on, here’s what he says to them:

THE COURT: All right. Members of the jury, we’re going to resume on Monday morning at 9:30.

If you’re taking notes, please leave them in the jury deliberation room.

Let me remind you that it is extremely important that you follow my instructions; that you do not discuss the case with anyone. Not your family, your friends, or business associates and not other jurors.

In addition, you must not read, listen to, watch or access any accounts of this case in any form of media including newspapers, TV, radio, podcasts or the Internet. And you should not research or seek outside information about any aspect of the case.

Do not communicate with anyone about the case on your phone, whether through e-mail, text messaging, or any other means; through any blog or website, or by way of any social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or other similar sites.

You may not consider anything you may have read or heard anything about the case outside of this courtroom whether you read it before or during, whether you read it before or during jury selection or during the trial.

Do not attempt any independent research or investigation about the case.

Do not visit any of the location action identified during the course of testimony or in the questionnaire.

And we will see you on Monday morning. Have a good weekend. 

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54 commentsOn Mark Vicente – In-Depth Review – Part IV

  • “One was named “Finding the Carbon Crimes” – and was meant to convey Raniere’s belief that global warming was a complete myth.”

    Is the prosecution trying to equate skepticism about so called Global Warming with criminal behavior?
    Global Warming as a theory is a matter for scientific or political debate, not a topic for a criminal prosecution.
    If the prosecution is equating skepticism about Global Warming with criminal behavior then the prosecution is way overstepping its bounds.

    It is not a crime to express unpopular views.
    It is not a crime to express politically incorrect views.
    It is not a crime to dispute government mandated conventional wisdom.

    If skepticism about Global Warming is a crime, then the prosecutors are arguing that President Trump is a criminal because Trump disputes Global Warming.

    Donald J. Trump

    Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” @foxandfriends Wow!

    7:29 AM – Mar 12, 2019

    By trying to criminalize people who take unpopular positions in a political debate these prosecutors demonstrate that they are really totalitarian liberals who despise free speech, free thought and the marketplace of ideas.
    Stick to the crimes that Raniere is actually accused of committing.
    Stop trying to smear Raniere with Orwellian Thought Crimes.

    • It was just one item on a list of film projects, without any implications, calm down.

      Though, interestingly, all of them related to various aspects of Raneire’s conspiracy theorizing.

      And, it’s yet another example of how Raniere’s ideology actually tended more towards the right in many ways, in contrast to what might be assumed (perhaps inaccurately) about the sort of urban professional and entertainment industry demographics that NXIVM was largely drawing from.

      • The DOJ should concentrate on the crimes actually alleged in the indictment.
        Not on Raniere’s political beliefs no matter how unconventional or unpopular.
        Is the DOJ trying to stir up hatred for the more conservative Raniere with the more liberal population of Brooklyn and Queens?

        And what does it say about the liberal NXIVM members that they did not understand that Raniere’s grab bag of ideas were more Libertarian or (Ayn) Randian than their Liberal ideas?

        And when we have problems is government intervention, especially in the form of prosecutorial action, always the best alternative?

        Consumers have the power through the free market to make choices.

        If consumers exercised their discretion to buy cheaper self help products rather than NXIVM’s and Scientology’s more expensive products, those cults would wither on the vine without government intervention.

    • Shadowstate I agree. Ideas that are out of the mainstream do not constitute a cult. I hope there will be more focus on the Kristin Snyder project. Especially the assertion that she is alive, but in hiding, for which we’ve seen zero evidence.

      • IDK if investigators have begun to scratch the surface on Kristin Snyder’s disappearance or any of the mysterious casualties — cancer deaths, suicides, other “missing persons” — or the mental breakdowns some had during NX courses who were hospitalized but enthusiastically agree Mark Vicente’s testimony about KAR’s desperate attempts at such an elaborate cover-up should be more than sufficient justification to warrant further investigation.

        These crimes — if wrong-doing is (likely) found – would have to be prosecuted in the districts they were perpetrated in, I believe, and that’s def not in this one, EDNY.

    • Shadowstate,

      I guess you and Keith Raniere had more in common then you thought.

      You both are climate change deniers and you both love Ayn Rand.

      I bet you think dinosaurs are a liberal conspiracy to deny the Bible and Creation/Genesis.

      I miss the days before your Bible buddies took over the Republican Party that I am a member of. You ruined it.

      • I don’t love Ayn Rand.
        I merely am familiar with her philosophy.
        I found her writing to be turgid and unreadable and her characters were two dimensional.

        As for Global Warming let’s look at some evidence.:

        However the ice that flows off of the Antarctic and Greenland called shelf ice represents only half a percent of all the Earth’s ice and which if melted would raise sea level only 14 inches, (

        Although Sea Ice covers 6% of the entire oceans at an average thickness of 6 feet, were it all to melt sea level would rise only 4 inches. If we melted all 200,000 of the Earth’s temperate zone glaciers sea level would rise another two feet. So total catastrophe can only occur if we can melt the Antarctic and Greenland. But the Antarctic is the coldest place on Earth. At calculations show the temperature would have to rise 54 degrees Fahrenheit to start the warming of that Ice Cap.

        Al Gore predicted in 2007 that by 2013 the Arctic Ocean would be completely ice free.

        a more accurate estimate of sea ice can be had from satellite images taken every day at the Poles since 1981. These images show that between summer and winter, regardless of the degree of summer melting, the sea ice completely recovers to its original size the winter before for almost every year since the pictures were taken. The sea ice has been stubbornly resistant to Al Gore’s predictions. In fact the average annual coverage of sea ice has been essentially the same since satellite observations began in 1981. However that has not stopped global warming advocates and even government agencies from cherry picking the data to mislead the public.

        “I miss the days before your Bible buddies took over the Republican Party that I am a member of. You ruined it.”

        You can always vote for Creepy Joe Biden who likes to whisper naughty secrets in little girls’ ears.
        Or you can vote for Mitt Romney, an Iron Rodder from the formerly polygamous Mormon cult.

    • Shadowstate, I don’t think Mark is saying that the reason Keith should be convicted is because of the high price of the courses. Or because of Keith’s theories about global warming. There are many other allegations on the table. And don’t turn this into a “stupid liberals” thing .You sound just as bad as a stupid liberal– making sweeping general accusations.

  • “One was named “Finding the Carbon Crimes” – and was meant to convey Raniere’s belief that global warming was a complete myth.”

    Is the prosecution trying to equate skepticism about so called Global Warming with criminal behavior-
    Global Warming as a theory is a matter for scientific or political debate, not a topic for a criminal prosecution.
    If the prosecution is equating skepticism about Global Warming with criminal behavior then the prosecution is way overstepping its bounds.

    It is not a crime to express unpopular views.
    It is not a crime to express politically incorrect views.
    It is not a crime to dispute government mandated conventional wisdom.

    If skepticism about Global Warming is a crime, then the prosecutors are arguing that President Trump is a criminal because Trump disputes Global Warming.

    Donald J. Trump

    Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” @foxandfriends Wow!

    7:29 AM – Mar 12, 2019

    By trying to criminalize people who take unpopular positions in a political debate these prosecutors demonstrate that they are really totalitarian liberals who despise free speech, free thought and the marketplace of ideas.
    Stick to the crimes that Raniere is actually accused of committing.
    Stop trying to smear Raniere with Orwellian Thought Crimes.

    • It was just one item on a list of film projects, without any implications, calm down.

      Though, interestingly, all of them related to various aspects of Raneire’s conspiracy theorizing.

      And, it’s yet another example of how Raniere’s ideology actually tended more towards the right in many ways, in contrast to what might be assumed (perhaps inaccurately) about the sort of urban professional and entertainment industry demographics that NXIVM was largely drawing from.

      • The DOJ should concentrate on the crimes actually alleged in the indictment.
        Not on Raniere’s political beliefs no matter how unconventional or unpopular.
        Is the DOJ trying to stir up hatred for the more conservative Raniere with the more liberal population of Brooklyn and Queens-

        And what does it say about the liberal NXIVM members that they did not understand that Raniere’s grab bag of ideas were more Libertarian or (Ayn) Randian than their Liberal ideas-

        And when we have problems is government intervention, especially in the form of prosecutorial action, always the best alternative-

        Consumers have the power through the free market to make choices.

        If consumers exercised their discretion to buy cheaper self help products rather than NXIVM’s and Scientology’s more expensive products, those cults would wither on the vine without government intervention.

      • The pompous blowhard with Trump derangement syndrom pukes out more pablum. Mr pseudointellectual spouts his idiotic crap. Raniere and NXIVM resemble the corruption and evil of today’s filthy left wing democrap party, it is frightening.

    • Shadowstate I agree. Ideas that are out of the mainstream do not constitute a cult. I hope there will be more focus on the Kristin Snyder project. Especially the assertion that she is alive, but in hiding, for which we’ve seen zero evidence.

      • IDK if investigators have begun to scratch the surface on Kristin Snyder’s disappearance or any of the mysterious casualties — cancer deaths, suicides, other “missing persons” — or the mental breakdowns some had during NX courses who were hospitalized but enthusiastically agree Mark Vicente’s testimony about KAR’s desperate attempts at such an elaborate cover-up should be more than sufficient justification to warrant further investigation.

        These crimes — if wrong-doing is (likely) found – would have to be prosecuted in the districts they were perpetrated in, I believe, and that’s def not in this one, EDNY.

        • In my opinion all the deaths of members are under scrutiny. Seized evidence, coroner/police/medical reports are being read and reread and I’d not be surprised if family members are being contacted for interviews. Might be a matter of time for that call to come. I’m confident there is still investigative work happening in regards to douchenozzle vanguard.

          Unfortunately a lot of time has passed and circumstantial evidence would have to be great barring a smoking gun turning up in the paper or rather digital heap of evidence. With guys like the grand master though you never know, he almost wants people to know what all he has done.

    • Shadowstate,

      I guess you and Keith Raniere had more in common then you thought.

      You both are climate change deniers and you both love Ayn Rand.

      I bet you think dinosaurs are a liberal conspiracy to deny the Bible and Creation/Genesis.

      I miss the days before your Bible buddies took over the Republican Party that I am a member of. You ruined it.

      • I don’t love Ayn Rand.
        I merely am familiar with her philosophy.
        I found her writing to be turgid and unreadable and her characters were two dimensional.

        As for Global Warming let’s look at some evidence.:

        However the ice that flows off of the Antarctic and Greenland called shelf ice represents only half a percent of all the Earth’s ice and which if melted would raise sea level only 14 inches, (

        Although Sea Ice covers 6% of the entire oceans at an average thickness of 6 feet, were it all to melt sea level would rise only 4 inches. If we melted all 200,000 of the Earth’s temperate zone glaciers sea level would rise another two feet. So total catastrophe can only occur if we can melt the Antarctic and Greenland. But the Antarctic is the coldest place on Earth. At calculations show the temperature would have to rise 54 degrees Fahrenheit to start the warming of that Ice Cap.

        Al Gore predicted in 2007 that by 2013 the Arctic Ocean would be completely ice free.

        a more accurate estimate of sea ice can be had from satellite images taken every day at the Poles since 1981. These images show that between summer and winter, regardless of the degree of summer melting, the sea ice completely recovers to its original size the winter before for almost every year since the pictures were taken. The sea ice has been stubbornly resistant to Al Gore’s predictions. In fact the average annual coverage of sea ice has been essentially the same since satellite observations began in 1981. However that has not stopped global warming advocates and even government agencies from cherry picking the data to mislead the public.

        “I miss the days before your Bible buddies took over the Republican Party that I am a member of. You ruined it.”

        You can always vote for Creepy Joe Biden who likes to whisper naughty secrets in little girls’ ears.
        Or you can vote for Mitt Romney, an Iron Rodder from the formerly polygamous Mormon cult.

        • Shadowstate,

          The climate change website you left a link to has no real scientists and promotes creationism…..

          I will share with you a link to the website of real scientists who happen to have developed the space program and helped to create satellites telecommunications as well as the technology for our nuclear weapons program.

          Perhaps you heard of them it’s called NASA.

          Most physicist and engineers and many scientists are actually Republicans.

          your website is ran by a bunch of creationists. Get a clue…

      • Double Anonymous

        Your best post ever!
        Keep that going and you’re headed for own show on late night TV. LOL!

        • Triple Anonymous

          Yes pure comedy. The silliness of this guy and his climate change agenda crapola BTW ole gal any reason your democrat buddies will not look at the unredacted Mueller report. What are they so afraid of-

    • Shadowstate, I don’t think Mark is saying that the reason Keith should be convicted is because of the high price of the courses. Or because of Keith’s theories about global warming. There are many other allegations on the table. And don’t turn this into a “stupid liberals” thing .You sound just as bad as a stupid liberal– making sweeping general accusations.

  • According to the Carlos Slim owned New York Times another issue that pissed off Mark Vincente was the high price of NXIVM’s self-help courses.
    This should not be a surprise because NXIVM is a clone of Scientology and both cults, NXIVM and Scientology, have courses that are rip offs.
    And what is the solution to the high price of NXIVM courses?
    Apparently the prosecution and Vincente believe that criminal prosecution is the answer.

    But there is a better answer.
    If you don’t like the high price of a product or service the simple solution, the correct solution is to find another vendor who offers a more reasonable price.
    That is called the Free Market.
    That is called Capitalism.

    If you don’t want to pay 5000 dollars for a NXIVM course, then hustle off to the local book store and buy a self-help book for 20 or 30 bucks.
    Or go to your local library and check out a self-help book for free.
    Or go on Youtube and watch self-help videos for free.

    But the mindless drones of NXIVM were willing to shell out big bucks for worthless NXIVM courses.
    Whose fault is that?
    Vincente and the prosecutors say it is Raniere’s fault.
    I say it is the fault of the stupid mindless NXIVM drones willing to shell out big bucks for crap.

    And the stupid, mindless drones of NXIVM were willing to shell out thousands of dollars for colored sashes that are worth only a few bucks.
    In a few years you will be able to buy similar colored sashes for a few bucks at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army store from their new clerk Allison Mack.

    (The unpleasant truth is the stupid, mindless drones of NXIVM were spending big bucks to gain access to the “magic wand” of Keith Raniere. Keith Raniere was the male prostitute and the females of NXIVM were paying big fees for his sexual services.)

    Unfortunately the prosecutors and Mark Vincente are Totalitarian Liberals who do not understand or appreciate how consumers can use the Free Market to make rational decisions.
    Totalitarian Liberals despise the Free Market the same way they despise Free Speech and Free Thought.

    The stupid Liberals who made up the bulk of NXIVM’s membership can not be bothered with thinking enough to make rational, logical choices.
    The stupid Liberals of NXIVM need to be protected by the government.

  • According to the Carlos Slim owned New York Times another issue that pissed off Mark Vincente was the high price of NXIVM’s self-help courses.
    This should not be a surprise because NXIVM is a clone of Scientology and both cults, NXIVM and Scientology, have courses that are rip offs.
    And what is the solution to the high price of NXIVM courses-
    Apparently the prosecution and Vincente believe that criminal prosecution is the answer.

    But there is a better answer.
    If you don’t like the high price of a product or service the simple solution, the correct solution is to find another vendor who offers a more reasonable price.
    That is called the Free Market.
    That is called Capitalism.

    If you don’t want to pay 5000 dollars for a NXIVM course, then hustle off to the local book store and buy a self-help book for 20 or 30 bucks.
    Or go to your local library and check out a self-help book for free.
    Or go on Youtube and watch self-help videos for free.

    But the mindless drones of NXIVM were willing to shell out big bucks for worthless NXIVM courses.
    Whose fault is that-
    Vincente and the prosecutors say it is Raniere’s fault.
    I say it is the fault of the stupid mindless NXIVM drones willing to shell out big bucks for crap.

    And the stupid, mindless drones of NXIVM were willing to shell out thousands of dollars for colored sashes that are worth only a few bucks.
    In a few years you will be able to buy similar colored sashes for a few bucks at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army store from their new clerk Allison Mack.

    (The unpleasant truth is the stupid, mindless drones of NXIVM were spending big bucks to gain access to the “magic wand” of Keith Raniere. Keith Raniere was the male prostitute and the females of NXIVM were paying big fees for his sexual services.)

    Unfortunately the prosecutors and Mark Vincente are Totalitarian Liberals who do not understand or appreciate how consumers can use the Free Market to make rational decisions.
    Totalitarian Liberals despise the Free Market the same way they despise Free Speech and Free Thought.

    The stupid Liberals who made up the bulk of NXIVM’s membership can not be bothered with thinking enough to make rational, logical choices.
    The stupid Liberals of NXIVM need to be protected by the government.

    • “In a few years you will be able to buy similar colored sashes for a few bucks at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army store from their new clerk Allison Mack.” My Sides!!! What a great picture you paint here! I looked at those silly sashes and those people wearing them and their little smiling faces sitting in the semicircle and I thought ” these people are idiots!”

  • Krclaviger,

    Thank you for yet another excellent reporting of court room activities and festivities.

    What are the odds that none of the jurors will look up information regarding the trial?

    What are the odds jurors will not speak to to their spouses regarding the trial?

    Both questions are rhetorical.

  • Krclaviger,

    Thank you for yet another excellent reporting of court room activities and festivities.

    What are the odds that none of the jurors will look up information regarding the trial-

    What are the odds jurors will not speak to to their spouses regarding the trial-

    Both questions are rhetorical.

  • “All in all, more than ten videotapes were altered to remove problematic content before they were turned over to Rick Ross’ attorneys as part of the discovery in that case.

    While it might be expected that Raniere’s attorney will challenge

    Vicente’s recollection of various events, that’s going to be hard to do with respect to the alteration of the videotapes.

    That’s because the prosecution was able to produce several email strings that show exactly what went on with the falsification of the videotapes – and which people were aware of that activity.

    Those people include Vicente, Chris Mumford, Megan Mumford, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Kristin Keeffe, Dan Brotman, and Clare Bronfman.”

    Mark Vicente is also a criminal. Chris Mumford, Megan Mumford, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Kristin Keeffe, Dan Bratman and Clare Bronfman, all of them, are criminals. They altered video evidence in a trial. Vicente knew this thing was illegal. Mark, just a quick question, as a filmmaker and videographer that you are: doesn’t it sound strange to delete parts of a video, they copy them again several generations so that the modified tape looks as the original one? But only of a specific theme. I don’t believe that you accept the reason of this as Raniere wanted to protect the Rational Inquiry patent. You have always questioned things. Don’t you think this situation was suspicious? All those people knew they were doing something illegal, and it is called falsification of evidence.

    Frank Parlato: do you think Mark Vicente is a hero? He is also a criminal, the same way Raniere is.

    • Mark did acknowledge that altering the videotape was illegal. He explained that at that point in his life, he believed that Raniere’s ethics were above the law.

    • ” all of them, are criminals. ”

      ALL of the top leaders of NXIVM are criminals.
      And we are about to see a parade of these criminals in the court room pretending to have found religion and seen the light.
      They are only testifying to save their skins.
      Had the branding and sex slave cult not been revealed many of these people would still be at NXIVM committing crimes.

  • “All in all, more than ten videotapes were altered to remove problematic content before they were turned over to Rick Ross’ attorneys as part of the discovery in that case.

    While it might be expected that Raniere’s attorney will challenge

    Vicente’s recollection of various events, that’s going to be hard to do with respect to the alteration of the videotapes.

    That’s because the prosecution was able to produce several email strings that show exactly what went on with the falsification of the videotapes – and which people were aware of that activity.

    Those people include Vicente, Chris Mumford, Megan Mumford, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Kristin Keeffe, Dan Brotman, and Clare Bronfman.”

    Mark Vicente is also a criminal. Chris Mumford, Megan Mumford, Keith Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Kristin Keeffe, Dan Bratman and Clare Bronfman, all of them, are criminals. They altered video evidence in a trial. Vicente knew this thing was illegal. Mark, just a quick question, as a filmmaker and videographer that you are: doesn’t it sound strange to delete parts of a video, they copy them again several generations so that the modified tape looks as the original one- But only of a specific theme. I don’t believe that you accept the reason of this as Raniere wanted to protect the Rational Inquiry patent. You have always questioned things. Don’t you think this situation was suspicious- All those people knew they were doing something illegal, and it is called falsification of evidence.

    Frank Parlato: do you think Mark Vicente is a hero- He is also a criminal, the same way Raniere is.

    • Mark did acknowledge that altering the videotape was illegal. He explained that at that point in his life, he believed that Raniere’s ethics were above the law.

      • Krclaviger, the problem that I see is that Rick Ross can open again the whole case against him because as far as I know, he lost the trial. Vicente is affirming the alteration of the tapes. But what it is even worse is that Adrian aka “Fluffy” was a minor in 2008. That is, Vicente receives an order to manipulate tapes. Then, Vicente asks the people in Communication to delete some parts and then edit again in a new tape with several generations on it, so this video can be handled directly to the other lawyers. Vicente engaged a minor to modify a tape and do criminal acts. I don’t know if the prosecution reads this or is even aware of that, but the declaration of Vicente is quite shocking because Raniere can say, when did I ask you to modify the tapes- Where are those tapes- And Ross can start analyzing the evidence. Believe me, I know every person named in the declaration, especially Vicente. He knew since the beginning he was doing something illegal. Vicente’s ethics were also above the law, they think the same way. Vicente always did what Keith said, that’s true, but each of us has the free will to do it or not. Vicente decided to follow him and do any illegal matter that could benefit NXIVM.

        • NXIVM did not win its case against Rick Ross. Despite spending millions of dollars on legal fees over the course of 14+ years, NXIVM walked away with nothing.

          My feelings about Mark Vicente – and the other people who followed Raniere’s directives for many years – is that the only way they can offset whatever harm they caused is by trying to ensure that Raniere is shut down forever. They can’t undo what they did. But they can damn sure try to do correct the mistakes they made by stepping up now.

          There are lots of people who did illegal acts on behalf of NXIVM and most of them are in hiding now – and hoping that the NDNY continues to do nothing. Others, like Mark, have stepped up to try and make up for some of the damage they caused.

    • ” all of them, are criminals. ”

      ALL of the top leaders of NXIVM are criminals.
      And we are about to see a parade of these criminals in the court room pretending to have found religion and seen the light.
      They are only testifying to save their skins.
      Had the branding and sex slave cult not been revealed many of these people would still be at NXIVM committing crimes.

      • Yep.

      • Somewhere, I read this: “My feelings about Mark Vicente – and the other people who followed Raniere’s directives for many years – is that the only way they can offset whatever harm they caused is by trying to ensure that Raniere is shut down forever. They can’t undo what they did. But they can damn sure try to do correct the mistakes they made by stepping up now.

        There are lots of people who did illegal acts on behalf of NXIVM and most of them are in hiding now – and hoping that the NDNY continues to do nothing. Others, like Mark, have stepped up to try and make up for some of the damage they caused”.

        A sarcastic thank you, Shadow, for helping to run off the next Mark Vicentes of NXIVM with your tiring antics.

        • Nutjob,
          Mark Vicente only left NXIVM when the branding and sex cult were publicly revealed.
          Vicente ran the ESP Centers in Los Angeles and Vancouver.
          As the scandal broke in 2017 the membership evaporated.
          Vicente’s ESP Centers quickly shut down.
          Leaving NXIVM in 2017 was like leaving the Titanic.

          It sounds to me like the ESP students leaving prompted Vicente to leave.
          Vicente was only leaving behind empty shells.

          “Breaking News: Vancouver 5-Day Intensive Canceled – no attendees!!!
          July 15, 2017
          A scheduled, 5-day Executive Success Programs “Intensive” in Vancouver, which had been scheduled to start on Friday, July 14, 2017, has been canceled.”
          Vancouver lies in a state of shambles for the followers of Vanguard, a former shining example of his international allure, now just the latest of his never-ending failures.

    • defensor_honorifice

      Not all of the people who Vicente mentioned exist in real life – their names do not map to humans. I am assuming this is an error by the reporter.

      Not all of the people in the Communications team were privy to communications above them regarding editing video. They were doing what they were told – they were not legal experts in any way, or making an informed decision.

      To name-drop people who are not decision makers in these situations, just to get them on the public record on this case associated with sex trafficking, is sloppy and destructive by Vicente.

      • “Not all of the people in the Communications team were privy to communications above them regarding editing video. They were doing what they were told – they were not legal experts in any way, or making an informed decision.”

        I couldn’t have said this better myself. I know these people quite well (a couple are misspelled, perhaps why you can’t find them) and have spoken to a couple at length about what information they were privy to and if they “knew what they were doing.” They didn’t. They depended on NXIVM for a paycheck to pay their rent, were made to feel like they had a purpose and a responsibility to their team, to Raniere, and put their trust in him. They were manipulated, threatened, and wronged. They were not informed that altering videotapes was part of a trial, they were told that the woman did not want to be included in the video – nothing else.

  • At what point in time will the transcripts be available?

  • At what point in time will the transcripts be available-

  • Nancy Salzman to Vicente – “Do you understand what it means to spend an hour with him?
    Do you understand that that – you know, his time is worth $100,000 per hour and that when you are spending time with him the way you are, you are getting millions of dollars of value”.

    I am amazed by this, Nancy Salzman is 64 years old, she believed this crap and could not see the truth ?
    Can she see the truth now ? I don’t know, I hope so.
    The longer you live the more you learn about life and the world.
    I understand how young people can be deceived like Allison Mack, but Nancy Salzman, really ?

    I notice that the commenters have different political and philosophical views.
    So sad, I grew up in a time where a few people held unorthodox views but most people held common views that were accepted as truth.
    Things are so different now.

    The show will continue.

  • Nancy Salzman to Vicente – “Do you understand what it means to spend an hour with him-
    Do you understand that that – you know, his time is worth $100,000 per hour and that when you are spending time with him the way you are, you are getting millions of dollars of value”.

    I am amazed by this, Nancy Salzman is 64 years old, she believed this crap and could not see the truth –
    Can she see the truth now – I don’t know, I hope so.
    The longer you live the more you learn about life and the world.
    I understand how young people can be deceived like Allison Mack, but Nancy Salzman, really –

    I notice that the commenters have different political and philosophical views.
    So sad, I grew up in a time where a few people held unorthodox views but most people held common views that were accepted as truth.
    Things are so different now.

    The show will continue.

  • ‘Do you understand what it means to spend an hour with him- Do you understand that that – you know, his time is worth $100,000 per hour and that when you are spending time with him the way you are, you are getting millions of dollars’ (of value)”. Nancy Salzman quote. How about this- Nancy Salzman is just like the Crazy Cat Lady – lonely, screwed up in the head, greedy and wants TOTAL CONTROL!

  • Very interesting, thank you.
    (On the transcripts point that is the same here in the UK in cases I have run. The transcript service is quite expensive and there are very restrictive provisions about to whom the transcripts can be provided. It sounds like it is the same in the US.

  • Frank, again: are you sure Mark Vicente is a hero when he engaged a kid in criminal acts- Adrian was a kid at the moment when they modified the video evidence. Mark Vicente’s ethics were also above the law. A person that is above the law and committed criminal acts can never be a hero, although he then showed repentance of his acts and denounced the criminal acts, possibly to avoid jail and stop NXIVM. For NXIVM, he is the betrayer. For you and all the people who have been damaged by NXIVM is an ally, not a hero. It is good to measure the words when we make a qualification over a person.

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