Part 6: In Depth: Dani’s Testimony: Threesomes With Kathy Russell and Naked Pictures

In General

This is Part 6 of the testimony of Daniela which have on May 23. The prosecution has taken great pains to enlarge the ‘creep factor’ for Keith Alan Raniere.  And we are not quite done yet.

Perhaps the main reason to extenisvely report on Dani’s testimony is it gives readers a real inside view of the life of Raniere and what he was all about.

Part 1 – In Depth: Dani’s Testimony – ‘Keith Had a Plan to Save the World’

Part 2 – In Depth: Dani’s Testimony – Dani’s Ethical Breach and Her Punishment

Part 3: In Depth: Dani’s Testimony: Raniere Grooms the Virgin for Sex for Her 18th Birthday

Part 4: In-Depth: Dani’s Testimony: She Loses Her Virginity – or Does She? 

Part 5: In-Depth: Dani’s Testimony: The Very Dirty Mr. Raniere

Assistant US Attorney Moria Penza is doing the questioning. Dani is responding. It is now well into the afternoon. She testified all morning. There was a break for lunch and Dani is on the stand.

Q At some point did the defendant have you participate in any other sex — any sex acts with other women?

A Yes.

Q Can you describe that?

A Yes…. on two separate occasions…. it was with the same person … Kathy Russell…. this happened after I had crossed in [from Canada illegally] with Kathy. … one instance where I was in Flintlock and Keith was there and Kathy stopped by to visit.

… she was there talking to Keith … they started touching each other, and I was … trying not to look, but it became … really sexual, like hot and heavy sexual, it was hard to ignore. And they got up and … are going to go to her apartment and… Keith asked me to come with them.

Q  During that interaction, did the fact of the [illegal] border crossing come up at all?

A Yes. With – Kathy. … she would … recount what happened….

Q How did you feel about the fact that that was being brought up at the same time that you’re being asked to engage with them sexually?

A …. I felt like because she had brought me over, there should be like this bond between us. And I felt like I should feel grateful and… I owed them.

Q Did you end up participating in a sex act with them?…

A I was there, but I wasn’t really participating…. We went to Kathy’s apartment and I was completely undressed and they were both completely undressed, and there was sex and … encouraging … me to do things to Kathy, but I didn’t want to…. I was laying there with them, but I wasn’t really participating. I was just there.

I did end up doing what I did all the time… I did oral sex on Keith, but while he was doing something else to her…..

Q Do you think you were conveying that you wanted to be participating in that?

A Well, I wasn’t moving…. I didn’t say anything….  I think it was pretty evident. That I was extremely uncomfortable… is an understatement.

Kathy Russell, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge, was the woman who helped Dani cross into the USA illegally. She also joined Keith in frolics and inveigled Dani to reluctantly join in.

Q And then the next incident?

A The next incident was in the house of a woman named Barbara Bouchey [see editor’s note below]. She had a condo … close to Flintlock. And [Keith] had been having some kind of health issue. He had a problem with his back. He threw off his back…  he had been staying at her house for a period of days…. he was in Barbara’s house, so people would go there.  And I went there to visit and … Kathy also visited…

Q …  Why, because he’s sick or hurt, is there a shift to Barbara Bouchey’s house?

A  …  I’m not sure why that happened. It wasn’t usual. I remember thinking that he was there because she [Barbara] liked the idea of taking care of him. There was something going on….  Keith was unified. So he’s not like a person who got sick… [There was] this belief that people [who] were unified didn’t … get sick. He was sick because someone was doing something bad.

Someone was ‘going off.’ Some woman was doing something, so he was having a very hard time and he was hurting. That’s what was going on. And I don’t remember exactly why it was in Barbara’s house, but that’s where they were taking care of him.

Q And so he was sick but then [he] asked you to participate in something?

A So he was sick and Kathy and I were both there and he asked us if we wanted to make him feel better. So … we both did oral sex on him.

Q Did the defendant ever take naked pictures of you?

A … one day we were at Flintlock and he took the camera out and he asked me to take my pants down to take a picture of me and I didn’t want to…. But he insisted so I ended up pulling my pants down and he took a picture of me…. we were by the couch and he asked me to remove my pants and my panties and… I remember covering myself with my hands and I remember him telling me to move them and telling me to spread my legs and I remember wanting it to stop. I remember asking ‘what do you want my picture for?’….

Q Did the defendant position you in any way?

A Yeah. He was giving me specific instructions… – he was trying to tell me how to …. position myself.

Q And were any of those pictures closeup pictures?

A It was very close. I don’t know how much one can zoom in with a camera, so I don’t know if he zoomed in even further than he was from me.



Editor’s Note: Barbara Bouchey has repeatedly said she knew very little about Keith having other women. That Keith had a threesome in her condo does not mean Barbara knew about it. 

Barbara has said she thought at first that Keith and she had a monogamous relationship, and that later she discovered he seemed to be having sex with two or three other women – and one of them was gay. She said she did not know the full extent of his continuous sexual activities with, it appears, a dozen or more women. 


MK10ART’s superb depiction of Keith Alan Raniere, the first time he had ‘sex’ with Dani.

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23 commentsOn Part 6: In Depth: Dani’s Testimony: Threesomes With Kathy Russell and Naked Pictures

  • Someone certainly was "off"...

    “Someone was ‘going off.’ Some woman was doing something, so he was having a very hard time and he was hurting. That’s what was going on. And I don’t remember exactly why it was in Barbara’s house, but that’s where they were taking care of him.”

    Here’s my take… I’d guess the woman who was “going off” was Barbara who had perhaps discovered the multiple relationships of KAR and (understandably) protested. Perhaps she had even threatened to leave at that point. The whole “have a 3-some in her house” was a punishment and/or a way of exerting his power over Barbara. After all, she was required to be 100% faithful to him alone, and he had the right to do whatever the hell he chose cuz… reasons! It was a way of getting back at her for daring to threaten to leave him. It’s not the first time he reacted that way. Although, it may never happen again thanks to the EDNY and all those who helped expose this piece of human trash.

    • Barb doesn’t have an issue with a guy f*cking multiple women. If she says she does it’s an act.

    • The “Some woman was doing something, so he was having a very hard time and he was hurting. That’s what was going on.” part that follows, is where Raniere covertly plays the victim, in order to manipulate them.

      And women were probably “going off” to begin with them, because Raniere was doing things like pitting them against one another in order ot manipulate them. But, of course, he succeeded in re-framing it so that they were blamed.

  • Dani is very brave.

    I also think that Keith is very insecure about his overall manhood (not necessarily his penis size, but his overall manhood).

    Heidi has previously claimed that Keith was not ‘insecure’ about his manhood, and that his behavior towards women was only about ‘control’ but not insecurity.

    Sorry, but every guy who seeks to CONTROL and HUMILIATE women (and to make sure they don’t have eyes for other men) is INSECURE about their own manhood in some form.

    Yes, Keith’s behavior was about ‘control’. Duh.

    However, that ‘control’ stems from Keith’s own insecurity about women not being satisfied with his physical abilities in bed along with his short & fat physical stature.

    Keith is no ‘Brad Pitt’ and he knows it.

    He’s a short, pudgy and ugly fucker.

    He’s Porky Pig incarnate.

    When women want to be with another man (i.e. a man that’s not Keith) it only reminds him that they’re not 100% satisfied with his short and pudgy body. That’s why he expects all women in DOS to be with only him.

    When men seek to ‘control’ women it ALWAYS emanates from an INSECURITY they have with their own manhood in general (though not necessarily their penis size).

    Manhood insecurity = Men who are ugly, fat, smelly or just average in bed.

    I’m saying that Keith is likely insecure that his love making ability does not measure up to other, more handsome & fit men.

    That’s why he feels an endless need for more and more collateral by every woman in DOS.

    No amount of collateral can ever fill the ENDLESS LOATHING that Keith feels when he looks in the mirror and sees that short, pudgy and ugly fucker staring back at him.

    Now that his aging body is giving him a flaccid and limp noodle, his SELF LOATHING is even worse now. Which would explain his fixation with getting more and more collateral from each woman in DOS, which serves as a protection mechanism against these women ever leaving Keith.

    Keith is deathly afraid of women leaving him. Insecurity 101.

  • We see in this example how something like her having been brought over the border illegally, is used as leverage – classic human trafficking, in fact. The prosecutors are setting this up to good effect.

    Thanks indeed for the extensive reporting. I really does provide a lot of insight into exactly what went on, at least through the lens of one particular case that is probably reasonably representative.

  • Well, well Ms. Fifth amendment!!! This renders Russell’s attendance at children’s ballet classes even more creepy. At least, it removes the note of poignancy from it entirely for me. Disgusting nonces. Pobrecita Dani, you should never have been placed in such a vile situation in the first place. You never gave into Nx. Divorce your family, create your own.

  • Vile pigs. All of them. Child Rapist . Barbara runs around like a chicken with her head cut off playing dumb, all the while her man’s screwing woman in her bed. The truth will set you free. Props to Miss Dani for her moral values.

    • “Vile pigs. All of them. Child Rapist . Barbara runs around like a chicken with her head cut off playing dumb, ”

      All of these NXIVM women are vile and disgusting.
      Enabling promiscuity and pedophilia for years.
      And when their backs are against the wall they all of a sudden get a revelation that their Guru is a pervert.
      Don’t expect any NXIVM members to win a Nobel Prize.

      • actually i quite expect them to win the nobel prize {its the elistist means to make a payoff dont get suckered by their fakey pomp&splendar….} ie obama the drone king and nobel peace prize .winner…enough said

  • Dani was the lamb in the lions den.

  • Appears to me Russell could be looking at some additional charges??

  • So is the testimony from eye-witness Daniela enough to bring new charges?
    Hello Albany? Northern District, come in please. There’s another silver platter of evidence at the door, not the first and not the last.

  • Girl Scout Cookies

    just an observation: Keith sure was a horny little fucker. And, it got the best of him. Good luck using this thinking in prison

    • LOL. I was thinking the same thing. And a sneaky little fucker. He was the wrong guy to end up with absolute power.

  • Barbara Bouchey knew about the other women four months after she started her relationship with Keith Raniere.

    I heard those words come out of her mouth when she was telling a group of people why she was leaving NXIVM.

    There is no shame in telling the truth. The shame is in changing your story so many times so people do not know what to believe.

    In this trial, everyone on the stand has no reason th lie as they are all under oath. Bouchey can say what she wants since she has nothing to lose with perjury hanging over her head.

  • I hope when this is over Dani can find peace within herself. Being brought up with strict morals it must have torn her up inside. Dani you were innocent and used horribly. You have nothing to be ashamed about. May you find peace and happiness once this nightmare is over and it will end.

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