Village Diane: A Few Notes on the Trial

By Village Dianne

Mark Vicente is expected to testify on direct examination the entire day today. We will have reports later.

As for yesterday, the DOS slave, Sylvie, was cross examined for much of the afternoon.

She mostly wasn’t giving Keith Raniere’s attorney Marc Agnifilo what what he wanted under cross examination. He kept bringing up screenshots of text messages she had sent to Raniere along with naked photos.

They were all very friendly messages. And then once she got into DOS, she referred to him as ‘Grandmaster’, ‘How are you today?’ [She also wrote “I dreamt of you last night” and ‘I’m so happy you are in my life.”]  Things like that, and Agnifilo kept saying things like, “Did you mean that?’

And she said, “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know how I felt in it.”

She was still trying to parse out how much was indoctrination and how much was her.

I thought she did well. She occasionally admitted something like “Yes, I did stay in Albany when I could have gone back home to England” and things like that, but for the most part I don’t think Agnifilo was successful in getting her to say what he wanted from her.

Toward the end of the day, Mark Vicente was called. He basically started out with background on Nxivm, Jness, Society of Protectors, Rainbow Cultural Garden. That took a long time and it was at times tedious.

He spoke of some of the buzzwords or Nxivm jargon and he spoke about how Keith would redefine words. for example there was a module called “Bad and Good” and it was Keith’s definition of good and dead.

Mark was on for about an hour yesterday.   He seemed more articulate than Sylvie. He’s very articulate, very direct, and to the point.