Keith Tells Mother – ‘if Dani Killed a Child, Would You Let Her Go on Vacation?’

In General

This is an item of interest to us  – an audio played in court on May 30 – where Keith “line-bends” Dani’s mother, Adriana, into wanting her own daughter to be punished.

The audio features Keith slowly convincing Dani’s mother to do what he wants – in this case confine her daughter in a room in solitary confinement for what wound up being almost two years.

The audio was played while Dani was on the witness stand under direct examination and she was asked questions about it.

In the audio, Keith doesn’t give direct orders. He doesn’t say what he wants. Instead, Keith tells Adriana [the mother] that Daniela had a unique and rare position [with him and his world-saving mission,  Nxivm] but she did a lot of damage that can never be reversed. She was given great, magnificent responsibilities and extraordinary privileges which she took, but did not do what was necessary to uphold them. Daniela damaged other people too in a dishonorable way.

Dani is being shunned by the Nxivm community and is not seeing Keith. She is undergoing rigorous punishment and discipline – like not being allowed outside without her parents’ consent and having to write reports of what she’s doing every 15 minutes but, somehow, she is failing in everything she tries to do to atone for her grievous ethical breach.

Her parents do not know how grave her crime is, they only know it is a full and complete ethical breach. Keith is too noble to tell them specifics. He is too wise, too concerned, too caring to reveal the secret breach she committed.  They only know that it was great and grave.

At this time, the rambunctious and rebellious Dani asked to train for the triathlon. [She is not allowed out without permission. She is in her early 20s.] Conversely, Dani, frustrated about being shunned and always punished, asked her mother to go back to Mexico to lead a simple life, without being punished every waking hour.

Dani’s parents were devotees of the great Raniere and so they knew enough to trust his judgment over their willful and capricious daughter. He was not only the smartest man in the world, but he was also the most ethical.

In the audio, which captures Keith at his best, he doesn’t give a direct order. He doesn’t say directly what he wants. He works in an extremely indirect and metaphoric way.

Keith said that Daniela is using going back to Mexico as a threat because everybody wants her to stay.

Keith said [paraphrasing], “If I were Dani’s parents, if Dani wanted to go to Mexico, I would not be making it easy for her to run away from her responsibilities. No matter what it took, I would let her know it’s not right. I would be doing my part to give her hard lessons. As parents, if she were to go back to Mexico, I would ask her to choose between doing the right thing and losing her parents. Sometimes, it has to be that strict. If Daniela goes to Mexico, unless there are severe sanctions, it would mean everything’s okay with what she has done.”

He said, “I know this is scary. I know this is hard, but you’ll feel better about it. You can’t, don’t, don’t get into Daniela’s games. Dani needs to feel that when she goes in the wrong direction and it is wrong, she shouldn’t be treated like a little baby.  Sometimes you have to be very hard on people.”

His metaphor is also quite interesting. It was this: If you killed a child, you were in your car and you hit a child and killed it, would you want to go on a triathlon? Wouldn’t you want to make things right with that child’s parents?

Keith said the same thing about Dani’s desire to go to Mexico – if you kill a child, would you want to go on a vacation? Would you ask for a vacation, when you killed a child?

Moira Penza finally asked Dani, “Had you killed a child?”

Dani said, “No.”

Penza: “What did you do?”

Daniela said, “I kissed Ben Meyers”.

In the audio, Keith never tells her mother what ethical breach Dani committed. He doesn’t tell the truth. He uses this metaphor of killing a child.

He tells Dani’s mother that Dani is being manipulative. {Not him of course].

And Keith seemed to slowly convince the mother that it was best that Dani not leave the Albany area [not train for the triathlon either] and, instead, go into a room until she cured her [unknown to the parents] ethical breach, a breach that was in fact nothing more than that Dani had refused to be in Keith’s harem and that, horrifyingly, she had kissed another man. Kissed and, as she testified in court, let him touch with his hands her breasts and vagina.

At the end of the audio, Keith wished Daniela’s mother, “Good luck” and soon enough she supported the imprisonment of her daughter for almost two years.


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23 commentsOn Keith Tells Mother – ‘if Dani Killed a Child, Would You Let Her Go on Vacation?’

  • Raniere is an idiot who had the single advantage of not being quite as stupid as his followers. In comparison to them, he IS a genius.

    • wow and then they say how much they care about the victims of KAR, but they forget that every person who walked away from the in was tortured by him, was originally a follower and that gave KAR the power to hurt them because precisely that rope in They put the neck themselves.

  • Where is her mother now? Still “in”?

  • Thanks for this – it’s indeed very interesting, to see a specific example of how cunningly manipulative Raniere could be.

    I think we’re also seeing Raniere’s ability to enforce compartmentalization of information, in that somehow he got Dani to never reveal to her parents what the “breach” was actually about – had she told them that it was just over her kissing a boy, the whole thing might have fallen apart, especially if she further revealed that she and Raniere had been sexually involved.

    On a broader scope, this is illustrative of how Raniere, who claimed to be “integrated” and unaffected by the outside world, in fact was prone to becoming almost unrequitedly jealous and obsessed by any of the women he saw as his, displaying any sign of what he regarded as disloyalty. This is also seen in all the cases in which he hounded former paramours who had left him, incessantly and for years, yet another pattern apparently tracing back to his youth.

    • Raniere had a lot of help from several evil women. It’s why this is a RICO case and since they’ve already plead guilty, all the prosection should have to prove is that he was working in cooperation with those evil women.

    • Where exactly was Ben? Cared so much he never asked about her ? Came to her defense? Must have been quite a hold Raniere had that a guy attracted to such a beautiful and smart girl backed off as he must have done. One thing that will usually be cause to break away, be defiant, question authority is the feelings between a man and woman

      I know he ended up with Salzman but you’d think at the beginning he would have fought for her

  • My hope is everyone who supported NXIVM, who has not come forward, who has not apologized to those they have shunned for leaving who told you the truth about this horrible man and his inner circle evil deeds will come out from under their rocks and reach out…. finally.

    It is not just the words of a few disgruntled people who left because they were not getting what they wanted. They are people who were standing up for the TRUTH, REAL HUMANITY, REAL EITHICS and WARNING those they cared deeply about.

    How can anyone any longer deny that NXIVM was rotten from the core group? After all the testimony to date and the guilty pleas, how can anyone still hold NXIVM and its leadership in high regard?

    How can anyone defend Keith Raniere, Nancy and Lauren Salzman, Clare and Sara Bronfman’s or the others who have not stepped forward without a court order to expose this toxic criminal organization?

    You cannot pretend your participation away any longer. You denial will only eat you up from the inside out.

    A mere fact that you bought their lies, didn’t ask deeper questions, believed explanations without further exploration goes against everything you were taught in the first place.

    Now is your chance to reach out and deal with your shame, your guilt, your anger or whatever your feeling. Pick up the phone, text, IM or send an email. Do something other than hide. Ask yourself, in this moment, with a this knowledge, what kind of person do you want to be?

  • This type of manipulation is almost as bad as a dictatorship.

  • Teaching by way of analogy, like Christian parable or Zen Koan. Yeah, Nxivm was a religious cult.

    Can’t come right out and say something, oh no. That takes away the air of profundity, the mystery, the esoteric. It also exposes the teacher as merely stating the obvious or the ridiculous. Rainiere cribbed an old trick (nothing was original with him) to sucker the fools into the belief that he was some kind of font of eternal wisdom.

    What a bunch of dopes.

    • I take exception to your claim that Christianity and God are not real, sir.

      I’ve got a great relationship with the man upstairs.

      Jesus knows me and loves me.

      Although I’m a sinner, he forgives me for all my sins.

      I can therefore have as much poontang/pussy as I want, since I’ll always be forgiven.

      What else can I do?

      I can wish that Frank gets ass cancer as penance for his hypocrisy, without any retribution from the big man upstairs (he forgives me for my unholy thoughts).

      I can sin my brains out without losing my place in line at the Pearly Gates.

      I am being granted admission thru those gates.

      Why? Because Jesus loves me and forgives me for my sins.

      But Frank?

      Pretty sure Jesus is gonna kick him down below so he spends eternity with a pitch fork up his ass — along with Pam Cafritz, Barb Jeske, Jim Del Negro, Mussolini and Fidel Castro.

      The good book is the Lord’s word.

    • So what do you believe in Actaeon? What is your moral compass?

    • Actaeon,

      The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West…

      ….And nobody questions it.

      Actaeon you ask questions but provide no answers. I believe you are prideful.

  • She should have stolen the money and the volleyball. Idiots.

    • When he’s convicted and put in Gpop I really hope we will continue to get updates on his beatings and humiliations. A dedicated website to just that would be gratifying. I’d buy a subscription I really would.
      Such a pathetic man. I hope he lives a long life and gets paid back for the years he spent as vanguard. The years he spent living his dream life and inflicting so much pain and sadness on others. Paid back two fold by vicious inmates and when he gets out by an unforgiving society and people that remember.

      Hearing what he did, even to unsympathetic perpetrators such as Salzman, Bronfman or Mack makes me want to know on a daily, monthly or yearly basis that he has been punished and suffered at the hands of others. That he has become subservient and submissive, been used, humiliated, hurt and broken. I want to hear stories how he trusted a fellow inmate and that person betrayed him and turned him over to others. About guards looking the other way as he calls for help.
      I hope his confinement is long and hopeless. If he’s released, that no one is there. Except maybe someone that remembers and pretends to be his only friend. And again Raniere gets paid back x2

  • Guess what folks. I’m going to be the one who takes care of you in retirement. Or not.

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